
Chapter 16 is now updated (iygtb)


@Creativederp04 tagged me a while ago in one of those Things but i didn't see it so i'm going to do it here
          Crush: i've never had one oops
          Middle name: i don't have one my parents are lazy
          Eye colour: dark brown 
          Last time i cried: i don't actually remember, probably over something stupid lmao
          Biggest fear: again i don't actually know,, i have a habit of forgetting my boundaries so i sometimes cross them by accident then have a breakdown oops
          Height: yeah i'm pretty short like 5'3
          Last song I listened to: All Star (don't ask)
          Favourite app: notes, probably, i wrote random stuff down a lot in there that helps me with my writing 
          If you want to do this, consider yourself tagged


lmao i said a while ago but i just realised the date on my notifs says it was yesterday oops 