
guys, has anyone read prurit on a03? it’s the best thing i’ve ever read :( and it’s discountinued and i’m trying to find the writer like i’ll pay them to release the rest


hey author! I just read your book temporary agreement and when I tell you it's one of the best Dnf of books I have ever read. I mean it it's honestly great and I'm going to read your other books now cuz you're writing is just amazing.I honestly can't express how good you are.<33333


omg! thank you so much i rly appreciate it:))))


Hey author! I read “All or nothing” a while ago, but find myself thinking about the book often, and I’ve reread it multiple times, I love it so much <3 
          I swallowed up “Temporary agreement” in just a couple of hours and I’m so immersed in the story already! Do you have an upload schedule of some sort? If not, that’s completely fine, I don’t mind waiting. I love the way you write, it makes the story easy to read, yet you get the full picture and everything is easy to picture in your head as you progress through the story 
          Anyway I just wanted to say that I love your works and can’t wait for more to come <3 <3 <3 :3 


@yomamasofat2 I try to bring a bit of happiness to others, especially to those who try hard and definitely deserve it :D <3 


@yomamasofat2 I honestly don’t know what’s up with that, Wattpad is kinda cringe when it comes to emojis. Everyone was so relieved when they removed the :) from being an emoji, it was the best day of my life 


@ItsALolbitShow that was meant to have emojis… hate this app for that 