
this message may be offensive
So I haven't like updated my art book in like a while now, and it's because of many personal reasons that I probably won't share. On that note I just wanna say that while I haven't posted art I've still been drawing a shit ton. All my drawings are like traditional paper art rn, and I simply want to redraw them digitally so I don't have to worry about like quality or lighting as much. So I will be posting art still, it's just gonna take me a bit to make them digital lol


I'm struggling to post my art cuz wattpad won't let me lol kms


thank you for follwing me! i dunno why i have over 0 followers i dont deserve em lol-  also thank you for saying my pfpfp thing was nice! i thought no one would know owl house!


Yes there both AMAZING tho tbh i luv them aaaaall


@The_One_Gay_They0 aw nice choice! That's my sister's favorite character too lol. Mines gotta be sprig and Anne ❤️ I love them both sm


this message may be offensive
So I haven't like updated my art book in like a while now, and it's because of many personal reasons that I probably won't share. On that note I just wanna say that while I haven't posted art I've still been drawing a shit ton. All my drawings are like traditional paper art rn, and I simply want to redraw them digitally so I don't have to worry about like quality or lighting as much. So I will be posting art still, it's just gonna take me a bit to make them digital lol


I'm struggling to post my art cuz wattpad won't let me lol kms


Bro im not good with any kind of scary movies... like at all. BUT DUDES! I just finished watching it chapter one and it was amazing. Scary? yed 100% in my opinion, but i really did like watching it for the first time so i think imma watch chapter two tomorrow lol.




Ill dm you now, hope you respond soon


@Trustkt6165 I’m so sorry! I didn’t get this till now!


@MonsterTamara4527 Omg man I'm so so sorry. I haven't been on her because I've been having a lot of... Well school, friendship, and relationship problems. I haven't been talking to a lot of my friends, or just people I general for that matter. I'll totally try to talk to you though. I definitely missed you too. You're really fun, and I hope that you're ok man. Whenever you see this just DM me, and I'll try to remember to respond as fast as possible.