
this message may be offensive
Hello everyone!
          	No, I didn't die yet.
          	I just wanted to say sorry for not uploading anything. I don't have any ideas right now and I don't want to wtite something random. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ending any of my books or anything, I just don't know how to continue.
          	My dumb ass just wrote one chapter and posted new book without having even second chapter (。_。)
          	I'm really sorry for the delay. I'm going on a "holiday" with mom next week, so I think I will be able to write again (which I really want, because it's fun for me and I really enjoy writing and reading your comments, when there are some) 
          	Anygays, enough of me. How are you? I hope you're doing great! (づ◕ヮ◕)づ
          	Have a great day/night or anything you have right now


Heya, thanks so much for the votes on my story :D really appreciate it! hope you enjoyed it too.


@you-cant-understand well... no, but thanks if you think so! :D


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone!
          No, I didn't die yet.
          I just wanted to say sorry for not uploading anything. I don't have any ideas right now and I don't want to wtite something random. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ending any of my books or anything, I just don't know how to continue.
          My dumb ass just wrote one chapter and posted new book without having even second chapter (。_。)
          I'm really sorry for the delay. I'm going on a "holiday" with mom next week, so I think I will be able to write again (which I really want, because it's fun for me and I really enjoy writing and reading your comments, when there are some) 
          Anygays, enough of me. How are you? I hope you're doing great! (づ◕ヮ◕)づ
          Have a great day/night or anything you have right now


Hewo <3
          I hope you have a great day, or night, or morning 
          I have something to say (?) so if you'd please give me some of your precious time, I would be really greatfull
          So, uh, how do I say it...
          I kinda got an idea on a new story or book and i don't think it would be a one-shot so i can't really post it to my "anime x reader oneshots" book (plus that book is in czech soooo ‍♀️)
          It would be sds (7 deadly sins) fan fiction (ff) and it would be "my oc x King (Harlequin)"
          I don't know if i should write it and then post it here, since i don't post much, so i have this important question for you. Yes, you dear reader.
          If i'd write a story about sds would you be interested? Would you try and read it? Or would you just say something like "Oh, that peep posted something? It's in english again... Whaaaat?? It's not an update on (the book you read (?) from me)??? And it's on sds?! I'm not reading"
          Please let me know your answer
          P.s. iff someone was wondering if i'll update "Bakugova sestra" then don't you worry, im working on it, i really am
          Okey, that would be everything for now
          Have a great day 


Hello ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°♡
          How r u? 
          This "announcement" is just that i want to tell you what happened to me this morning, so you can ignore it.
          So i was having breakfast and mom's boyfriend just returned from his run. Well he turned on TV so he can watch news like everyday. Suddenly, he said something about Angelica having feast of weeks (?) 
          Then my little sister asked him, what Angelica is, and he started saying that it's some dumb show mostly for girls, blah blah.
          Then, he asked me, if i know what it is, and i answered: "never heard of it" (but in my language)
          He said that's good.
          After about 2 minutes, he started saying that maybe i would like it.
          He said it's a story about some girl in france in 18th century. That it's emotional really romantic movie.
          And i was like: 
          -bish what? I watch attack on titan and the promised neverland. Yeah i might have watched silent voice, your name and hotarubi no mori e. And i might write reader x anime character and more, but i mostly watch 16+ and im not even 15-
          But out loud i said: "yeah well i don't think I'd like it. I don't really like history." 
          And he said i could ask my mom about it, since she could know more
          Alright, that's mostly everything i wanted.
          The last things i want is you, dear human (?) being, that you are wanted, you are loved, you are smart so you can achieve your goals, and there is definitely someone waiting for you. 
          Don't forget to drink enough, i have headaches because i sometimes forget to drink and it's not worth it. If you want to lose weight then work out or something but make sure you're eating right.
          I wuv youu 
          *sending virtual hug* (つ≧▽≦)つ♡♡♡


Hello everyone :)))
          I hope you had a good sleep, or at least rest. 
          I just wanna say, that today I will be most likely post my first english book.
          "why?" you might ask.
          Well, it's because I wanted to, and because I have a follower, that speaks english :)
          okay, I wanted to practice my english too, but 
          Sorry, if you expected continueing of "Bakugova sestra" but I just got inspiration to write this story. I will post another chapter of that story later.
          AND I'm thinking of making my uploads regular. Yay, finally. I'm thinking of one chapter every two weeks? (it would be only one story tho) because I have school work, and some house work and all that, so ima just do it like that. 
          Don't worry, "Anime x reader" isn't dead yet, but i got stuck at one point and now I'm thinking of how I should continue it. I didn't forget your sugestons on what characters you want either, and if someone would like for me to try and write it in english, you can tell me in the comments.
          Have a nice day, evening or night :D
          Yours -Anipeep


@you-cant-understand you may speak spanish, but i don't so no can't do ‍♀️


@you-cant-understand YAY english also speak Spanish but YAY :D


Ahoj vši!(◠‿◕)
          Jak se máte? Já celkem dobře.
          Ale chci se Vás zeptat. To jste se jako zbláznili nebo co?
          Vůbec, ale jako vůbec jsem nečekala, že budu mít nějaké sledující. A navíc jsem zjistila, že můj příběh na už 42 přečtení!!
          Vážně moc Vám děkuji :^). Jsem ráda za hezké komentáře, za to, že někdo pro můj příběh hlasoval a za to, že mě sledujete.
          Možná ti úspěšnější z Vás by si mohli říct, jen 14 sledovatelů, 7 hvězdiček a 42 přečtení jedné kapitoly. Ale pro mě to znamená hodně. 
          A slibuju, tě až začne školní rok, tak vydám další kapitolu.
          Mějte se famfárově!
          Vaše @Riza_pif_paf_smrt V●ᴥ●V