
/ I DIDNT. DIE (I did)  cb  and  spec…finally  replying


/   wb!!  &  anything


Don’t tell me that’s your crush.


   "  Sorry.    .    You left your door open—  No, there isn’t a reason,  not really.   I was wondering why you didn’t come out of your room  @younghul.   You know I called you for dinner,  right?  "       KIYOJI MUTTERS.   LEANING AGAINST THE DOORFRAME,  HIS  FIGURE LINGERS NEAR THE ENTRYWAY.     HE AWAITS THE MAGIC WORDS.   "  I can’t say hi?   "  


@VENGCENT    ║▌   dad,  NO!  oh  my  god—-  when  did  you  get  in  here?  what  happened  to  knocking?!  I  do  NOT  have  a  crush!   [  a  scowl  is  quick  to  form  on  damian's  face  as  he  slammed  his  sketchbook  shut,  quickly  shoving  it  into  his  desk's  drawer.  his  cheeks  are  just  as  red  as  his  pen.   ]  he's  just- unimportant.  is  there  any  specific  reason  you're  here?


Dramatic gasp  (!)


my dad put me on house arrest!  that’s not   ╱   MY   ╱   fault.


@supertz    ║▌  ..  I  know,  it  sucks  staying  home  while  our  fathers  go  out  and  kick  ass  and  all  that.  dick  caught  me  trying  to  sneak  out,  and  forced  me  back  in.   [  he  plops  down  onto  the  couch,  bag  of  snacks  right  next  to  him.  ]  alright,  hand  me  the  remote.   i'll  find  something  while  you  pick  a  snack  to  eat.  [  a  moment  of  silence  is  shared  between  the  two,  until  damian  speaks  up  once  more.  ]  did  you  know  they  make  / m͟o͟v͟i͟e͟s͟   /  about  our  dads?


@younghul  i just really wanted to help him out!  be apart of what the others do.    [he pauses,  a sigh escapes before a groan follows suit.  clutching the pillow as he falls back into his bed.]    snacks?  and a movie——  sounds like the best thing that’s gonna happen today.  let’s do it.  come here! 


@supertz   ║▌   well  no  wonder  you’re  on  house  arrest.  for  how  long,  though?  in  the  meantime,  be  glad  i  got  snacks.  we  can  watch  a  movie  til’  then.  what  do  you  think  abouttt…   horror? 


why is your entire family so intimidating    .. i swear they want me dead.


@supertz   ║▌ riight.  genius.  not  the  word  i'd  use,  but  if  it  helps  you  sleep  at  night  then  sure.  [  he  chuckles  quietly,  quick  to  drag  the  other  into  the  kitchen,  sitting  him  down  on  a  chair.  once  Damian  was  certain  jon  wouldn't  get  up,  he  grabbed  some  ice  from  the  freezer.   ]  stay  still.  i'm  hoping  you  don't  have  a  concussion—-   i'd  have  to  convince  Alfred  all  over  again  that  it  is  not  because  of  me.


@younghul  an idiot?  i’m a genius,  you mean.    [he scratches the back of his neck a little,]    to be fair,  from where i was      ..  i was gonna make it.  ugh,  ice would be nice.  my forehead’s throbbing a little.


@supertz    ║▌    jon,  you're  a  bit  of  an  idiot—  so  i  wouldn't  be  surprised  if  you  just  crashed  by  recklessly  flying.   come,  we  need  to  put  ice  on  your  head  quickly  before  you  lose  any  more  braincells.


come on,  you won’t try it once?  flying isn’t all that bad,  i promise not to drop you.


@supertz    ║▌  i'm  killing  you  if  you  drop  me.  let's  just  do  some  laps,  how  about  that?  I  don't  need  anything  specifically.  nor  do  I  have  any  errands  to  run.  if  you  do  though,   then  we  can  make  our  way  there  and..  you know.  do  those.   [  Damian  huffed  as  he  forced  himself  up  jon's  back.  (  ...  )  he  felt  very  silly.  ]


@younghul  oh?  then get on my back!  where do you want me to take you,  i’ll be your personal taxi driver.


@supertz   ║▌   well,  how  about  right  now?  i  don't  have  anything  ahead  of  me.  unless  you're  busy,  then  we  can  do  it  tomorrow.  i'm  free  whenever,  really.


uh ——      um,  uh?      ..  you’re,  damian?  you’re a little close.


@supertz    ║▌   yep.  yes,  that's  right.  come  on.   [   he  practically  stumbled  over  his  own  two  feet  as  he  forced  himself  to  continue  forward.  damian  rubbed  his  temples,  trying  to  get  his  thoughts  back  on  track.  jon's  eyes  weren't  going  to  / save /  him  if  they  got  ambushed.   ]   i  hear  something  on  the  left—-  be  careful,  and  be  quiet.


@younghul  [he couldn’t help but try to clear his throat,  but he follows along despite feeling the sensations of possibly combusting.  maybe he was going to shoot lasers out of his eyes?  shoot ice breath out of his mouth,  the possibilities were endless.]    uh.  big dude,  with a suit on,  bulky,  was bald?


@supertz    ║▌    [  as  the  pair  walked  side  by  side,  damian  could  feel  his  heart  race  in  his  chest.  it  was  just  because  of  the  thrill  of  the  mission—  yeah,  that  was  it.  nothing  else.   why  would  he  get  anxious  standing  next  to  jon?  he  stood  next  to  him  ALL  the  time.  they  were  fine.  it  was  fine.  ]   ...i  don't  suppose  you  remember  what  the  guy  looked  like,  do  you?


woah?  you’re not including me on the plan,   ╱   ouch.   ╱


@supertz    ║▌    yeah  yeah..  you  and  your  superstrength  powers  and  all  that.  still,  would  rather  nothing  happen.  [  he  glanced  at  him  from  the  corner  of  his  eye  before  letting  out  a  grunt  of  acknowledgement,  rubbing  the  back  of  his  head  while  nodding.   ]   yeah,  anytime.  who  will  if  I  don't?


@younghul  you won’t be seeing any of that,  damian.  besides,  a fall from that high wouldn’t even kill me?  maybe make me feel like a plane hit me,  but nothing serious      ..  but uh,  hey.    [his cheeks redden,]    thanks for worrying about me.


@supertz    ║▌    technically  speaking,  you  d͟i͟d͟   go  out  there.   just  didn't  kick  any  butt  yet.   besides,  lets  be  honest—  if  i  told  you  kryptonite  was  involved,  you  still  wouldn't  have  stayed  back.   [  damian  is  quick  to  let  out  a  sigh,  shaking  his  head  reluctantly.  ]   fine,  you  can  come  along.  just  be  careful,  got  it?  i  don't  want  to  see  you  plummeting  down  from  the  sky  just  because  you  were  too reckless.


nope,  NOPE ——      that sounds like a bad idea.


@supertz   ║▌    are  you  sure?  it's  okay  if  you're  chicken!  you  can  sit  this  one  out  while  I  go  in  there.  i'll  do  the  same  thing  my  father  does.


@younghul  scared?  that’s ridiculous!  i’m completely in,  all four limbs kind of in! 


@supertz    ║▌    nah.  maybe  a  little,  but  come  on—   who's  going  to  be  able  to  stop  us?   but  i  mean,  if  you're  too  scared  to  do  it...   then  i  suppose  you  CAN  sit  out.


uh.  well,  that’s awkward.


@cafiends   ║▌   i  am  NOT  writing  love  letters!  [  damian  is  quick  to  glare  at  him  and  toss  a  pillow,  huffing.  his  blush  increased  by  a  tenfold,  hands  placed  on  his  face  to  muffle  his  loud  groan.  ]  if  you  must  know,  our  teachers  started  this..  penpal  activity.  however,  we  can  only  communicate  with  our  penpals  via  letters.  no  social  media  or  texting.  it's  truly  a  stupid  activity.


@younghul  writing love letters isn’t a crime.  if anything,  i support you.  you know?  for your pride,  don’t hide kind of thing.    [tim can’t help but tease,  cheeks puffing out slightly to contain the laugh.  swallowing it down finally as he shrugs.]    was hacking some stuff,  but bruce told me to back off for a bit and so i did.  came to bother you a bit,  the usual.


@cafiends  ║▌  very  much.  but  you  will  not  tell  anyone  else  about  this.  [  a  hint  of  red  is  evident  on  damian's  cheeks  and  ears,  a  small  scowl  on  his  face.  ]   what  are  you  doing  here  anyways?  shouldn't  you  be  off  somewhere  else  doing  anything  else?


(   A BED TIME STORY IS ALL IT TAKES. )     the inhabitants of the wayne manor sleep tonight,   stilling and grinding into a stop.     tonight,   it feels like the city sleeps for the first time in years.   it allows the bat to (“REST”)  or the batman equivalent to rest once and for all..    IT BEGINS WITH TEA,   SET WITH A DOLLOP OF HONEY.     A STEADY STREAM OF STEAM FILTERS THROUGH THE BEAM OF MOONLIGHT ILLUMINATED FROM THE BLINDS.    UNDER THIS LIGHT LAYS KIYOJI.       damian is tucked under a plethora of sheets,   tucked in by his father.    the sound of japanese tumbles out of kiyoji’s lips with ease.  an old lullaby sung by his father when he was younger.      ONYX HUES SETTLE ON HIS SON’S FRAME,   A HAND SETTLES ON DAMIAN’S FOREHEAD.    pushing away the black locks that frame his forehead.     placing a small kiss on his crown.    
                       ❛     ねんねんころりよ、おころりよ.     (…)     DAMIAN,   HOW ARE YOU STILL AWAKE?   YOU KNOW IT’S PAST YOUR BEDTIME.    (…)   IS THE SINGING WORKING?  ❜     kiyoji questions with a smile,   the sound of soft instrumentals fill the spacious room with a type of tranquility kiyoji could only dream of.     


@VENGCENT ║▌   [  damian  is  unable  to  fight  the  smile  growing  on his  face.  although  he  is  a  teenager  now  and  should  be  informing  his  father  that  he  is  'much  too  old'  for  stories  and  getting  tucked  into  bed,  he  remains  silent.   ]   i'm  sorry,  father.  i'm  not  sleepy  yet.   it's  been  a  while  since  you've  come  to  sing  me  to  sleep.  but  to  answer  you,  yes,  it  is.  quite  relaxing.  how  come  you  never  became  a  singer?  [  the  joke  leaves  his  lips  in  an  instance,  turning  on  his  side  and  glancing  up  at  kiyoji.  as  the  pair  sit  there,  damian  couldn't  help  but  think  of  how  silly  he  used  to  be,  jealous  of  his  siblings  thinking  that  his  father  favoured  them  over  him.  looking  back  on  it  at  this  moment,  it  all  seemed  trivial  now.  ]   
            tell  me  another  story.   [   ...   ]   please,  if  you  have  the  time  to.  i  know  you're  busy  and  probably  have  many  things  to  do,  but  i'd  like  one  more  adventure.    [   he  feels  almost  childish,  sitting  here  and  pleading  for  his  father  to  tell  him  more  of  him.  to  the  outside,  it  might  have  seemed  like  damian  barely  knew  anything  about  his  father.  truth  be  told,  he  just  liked  listening  to  his  father  talk.  in  a  way,  it  calmed  his  senses.  ]   
            or  sing  another  lullaby,  both  work  just  as  fine  on  me.  you..  wouldn't  mind,  would  you?  if  you  have  too  many  things  to  do,  then  it's  fine—  please  don't  waste  your  time  on  telling  me  silly  little  stories—  [   damian  is  quick  to  dismiss  himself,  waving  his  hands  apologetically.  he  offers  a  meek  smile,  knowing  he  wouldn't  ever  dream  of  being  caught  behaving  like  this  in  front  of  anyone  else.  damian  thinks  he  might  just  die  if  something  like  that  ever  dared  of  happening.  ]


Demon brat.


this message may be offensive
Stealing equipment.    Come and help me pack my bags ‘n shit,  don’t snitch.   


@R3BIRTHED  ║█   oh,  it's  only  you.  i'm  well,  quite  bored  actually.   father  and  dick  don't  want  me  out  patrolling  tonight,  and  i've  nothing  to  do.  what  are  y͟o͟u͟  doing  here?


How have you been?