
*French voice*
          	I am feeling the effects of depression oh hon hon hon


@your_alpaca when you gonna continue to writing and update a new update? :3


Existential crisis time babes so I heard on the radio what used to be my favorite song as a kid and of course it isn't my favorite anymore BUT. Right afterwards a newer song came up and my first thought was
          "Oh man younger me would love that song."
          And it's so wierd to think that we can remember past versions of ourselves, what we used to be like, but now it's like thinking of another person. But at the same time you know that person was you, but you ALSO know your not that person. And what almost hurts is that who that person was no longer exists but in a small part and memory in you.
          Anyway ya just ranting/trying to get myself to write luv youuuuu


Pfft so my friend's insta got hacked...and we ended up spamming the guy with memes and having lovley conversations n stuff until he got boring. THEN we blocked and reported him 
          Man really said "are we friends?" By the end pfft