
Firstly, I’m OKAY you all are sweet as ever. I’m so lucky. Unfortunately at this time in my life writing Harry Potter fanfics have not been as pressing on my daily to do list (I don’t like being an adult!!!!!!!!!!!) however, that isn’t to say that they shouldn’t be. I get too consumed in my work and I need to find time for things that are important, things that give me joy and writing on here has always done that so get ready, I’ll really try my best this time, for the official continuation of HCG. I love you all and thank you for staying with me




Also, adulting IS hard! I am stuck at writing, too. Hence, tearing apart Wattpad for fics like yours! 


“His Chosen Girl” by yourawizardali is a completed 102 chapter book about the first three Harry Potter books. It is a “y/n book” and switch’s between Harry and the readers point of views. In my opinion the switches between the point of views aren’t necessary. But other then that I really respect the original content the author put in this book along with the connection between the two main characters is really great. I do agree that the reading time is about 15 hours but it did take me a little bit long than that to read this. My favorite part of this story was the main character has a very entertaining backstory that is very original and I really think that her personality in this book reflects on her hardships. My least favorite part about this book is absolutely the switching of the point of views, I really feel like it isn’t necessary for the plot to move forward and sometimes it was confusing cause it switched almost every chapter, that being said we already kinda know how Harry is feeling unless we are talking about how he fees about the main character, I feel like sometimes is okay but all the time isn’t necessary. That being said I really liked this book rating it 8/10 it’s great for people who love friends to lovers, wholesome content, who are uncomfortable with smut, and lovers of following the story line. If you are a Harry Potter person you definitely will like this book. With that please make sure to like every chapter and follow the author.