do    -    i really have to eat the number 3 guy   ..   ?
          ;   AAAA this sucks but lmao


            of course they wont ! if you do this , no one ll ever forget you , ever again - * his smile curved his eyes in a way that held hidden malicious intent , his amber eyes peircing *
            ; ; it is sldkdl - he s so precious too like wtf 


so they won’t forget me   -    ?    i don’t want to be forgotten   ..    
            *    the pink haired male took the heart with a lot of hesitation   ,    he was honestly really scared of tsukasa   ,,,    so he didn’t want to know what would happen if he didn’t listen   .    *
            ;    he deserved so much better than what he got   -   its so saD


            awe , everyone ll remember you if you eat him . i promise ! * he states cheerfully , still holding the third mysteries heart in his hands , offering it eagerly to the pinkette *
            ; ; this is lowkey making me sad lkfsjlkjlsd poor mitsuba