
Hi everyone!! I’ve been really busy with school these past few months but summer is starting! I was thinking about continuing my Tamaki x reader as I’ll have more time, but I wasn’t sure if anyone was that interested in it. Is there anyone waiting for an update? 
          	**I’m also thinking of updating some one shot stories in the meantime too


Hi everyone!! I’ve been really busy with school these past few months but summer is starting! I was thinking about continuing my Tamaki x reader as I’ll have more time, but I wasn’t sure if anyone was that interested in it. Is there anyone waiting for an update? 
          **I’m also thinking of updating some one shot stories in the meantime too


ok but these wattpad ads between every chapter, are getting out of hand 


 I mean they get money from it so I guess (even Wattpad turns out to be a hoe for money)


@kihone1313 @lmaoimstupidasf the fact that even I get them when just trying to look through my book chapters PLSSS wattpad has gone downhill 


Do people usually update their books once a week...?
          I'm trying to figure out how often I should update. I know I should wait a few days between uploading each chapter but ahhhhhhh. I really should learn my lesson from my other books....


That’s true  I think I’ve decided to keep it to about 2 chapters a week so, like you said, I have finished chapters for when I can’t write 


@yukisass Also, just do what you feel is a good approach. You don't have to take my thoughts literally and follow it.


@yukisass Hmm You could do it twice a week if you want to. but do try and maintain a schedule to atleast give yourself time to stock up on chapters for times when you can't write. But that is up to you to figure out a schedule that works for you. You could always make notes on what you want to write and how to proceed with your story. I am patiently waiting for the next chaps!