
hellur. i read through my knb scenarios and i cringed and laughed at all my old chapters om g


hey all! believe it or nah this is @yuungi herself ! but on another account ;;;
          its been nearly 4 years y’all.. and to anyone who has read anything i have written in th past:
          1) i’m SORRY U HAD TO SEE THAT
          2) yes i was sexually frustrated thru my writing i apologize 
          this account i don’t think will have a future unfortunately since i deleted the email i had used to create it and i have forgotten my pw. thankfully, i’m on summer break so i may start writing again. not knb persay, but likely towards my own fictious stories and possibly bts drabbles. you’ll see c:
          i’ll likely update on here for anyone who actually still follows me to know ^^
          ~ ya gorl ilys 


i may or may not be on a writing hiatus. i really can't write anything sufficient and i need some time to think. i've been trying and trying to write just one chapter for the past 3 months. i'll be back soon ♡