
Hey friend!!! If you're interested in jikook fanfictions then this book is for you!! It is not yet completed, I just uploaded now. But whenever you've time, please check it out atleast once and write down your thoughts. Also please show me support through your comments and votes. I hope you'll enjoy and doesn't dissapoint you lol. Thank you so much, love you and stay safe!!!♡´・ᴗ・`♡

          Ps: thank you for noticing my book! 


@JikookFantasies_ aw thank you! I've uploaded the first chapter so you check it out!! *love love*


The plot sounds interesting and I look forward to seeing how it unfolds!


this message may be offensive
8Fuck a hater, hit a snitch, you're my girl, my 5 star bitch, I love you more than any dick, && if I don't get this back, you ain't worth shit!! Send this to 8 girls you care about.. I love you, I love you forever!! Whoever stops this will suffer for 83 days!! Ready, set, GO