
Search for the swords is definitely a contrived story as one would expect from one of my earliest maybe even second book I wrote. The original draft is far worse. It has left a serious rewrite in the works and a big problem to work around by taking out a silly dream that showed our lead protagonist a vision of everyone he needed to find. I probably would never have even come back to try and clean it up as much as I have if I didn't want to share it's sequel, a story that similarly needs some refining, but holds a premise I enjoy far more. Hopefully I get it up here one day. 
          	A bit of a ramble, but something that's been on my mind lately and wanted to share to any who might be reading this


Search for the swords is definitely a contrived story as one would expect from one of my earliest maybe even second book I wrote. The original draft is far worse. It has left a serious rewrite in the works and a big problem to work around by taking out a silly dream that showed our lead protagonist a vision of everyone he needed to find. I probably would never have even come back to try and clean it up as much as I have if I didn't want to share it's sequel, a story that similarly needs some refining, but holds a premise I enjoy far more. Hopefully I get it up here one day. 
          A bit of a ramble, but something that's been on my mind lately and wanted to share to any who might be reading this


Now that Athyyah has finished, I've  been going back on an old story I wrote some years ago and am revising it. I hope to maintain a chapter out a week. For now though, the prologue is now available till I release chapter one