
          	Aku ospek kampus!
          	Will be back in next two weeks ya :(
          	Sabar yaaa! Kalo sempet bakal usahain update


Haloo mampir yuk ke ceritaku, Tentang keseharian draco dan hermione yg menjadi ketua murid di hogwarts dan tinggal 1 asrama.kira-kira kebayang ga sih gimana hihihi Minta kritiksarannya jugaa^^ 
          Terima kasih~~


@mudblooddee hai! aku baru aja mampir dari ceritamu and it's amazing! i'll be so happy and grateful if you read mine too! Tentang Draco si mudblood dan Hermione si pureblood, mereka akan gimana ya??? Check it out on my profile! 
            And a little followback is a fine too! 
            Oh iya, if you still want my critics dan saran, i can dm you so i can give you a help!


Hello zah! 
          Mind to read my oneshot book about dramione? I'll waiting for your thought then love from another potterhead❤


@writherstory hey gurl! i just came from your book and it IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! i cant wait for the next chap xoxo :D
            will you check my dramione book as well? it isnt as good as yours tho, but worth a try(i think,lol)!! also follback sis!