
@nihcelpud @circlesnsquares Thank you very much and I am happy you both like it :D 


"Adrian Langer and the war of aaton"-
          Firstly, this story -i thought, personally- was really good and very compelling. The way you wrote the story and made sure to not have too many mistakes was almost as good as the actual plot. I can see this story becoming popular -a rare thing at the moment- and so urge you to continue. One problem would have to be the title. I personally think that it is too long, War of Aaton would probably be better. Saying "Adrian Langer and the War of Aaton" tells me several things about your story without me needing to read it. It tells me an important characters name, the place, and that there will be a war or has been a war.
          Honestly this story is great and l think it could be a sucess.
          ~Circlesnsquares + Tayla


I am done critiquing Adrian Langer. Your writing is very effective and the imagery is great. I think you have a lot of potential. The plot is interesting and as long as you keep it that way, nothing else matters much. The trick is keeping it interesting. Don't give away the plot secrets all at once and throw in some twists as well. Best of luck!


@xXwrite2smileXx Thanx 4 ur comments on my story and its completely alright that u haven't read so often. I myself haven't been on wattpad a while. Again thank you for saying such nice things :D It is nice to be appreciated and I will be posting chapter 13 in a week maybe its just taking time to finish it ;)


Just finished catching up on Adrian Langer and the War of Aaton. Brilliant! Ignore what I said about voting problems, tho, I figured out that I just need to disconnect from my facebook account. :P And thanks for being so patient with me. I know it must seem like I've neglected your story, but it really is one of my favorites and I hope you'll update soon! =D