
Second part is now up! For more parts please continue to share this to our co-engene who love the bodyguard video on IG reels! Thank you!!


 For everyone who read the Carry me, My Bodyguard. Thank you!! And forthe additional episode, please help me to have 50+ views of this book and I'll post it, do not forget to vote and comment the scenario you wanted to add! Thank youu


I see, my brain will soon burst because of smuts part.... but I want to write this for everone who is still waiting for me to update THE CURSE,  and soo well I'm halfway done, but I'm not sure when can I published the next part, sooo kindly please wait for me to announce the final part. I hope you understand me, Thank you! Thank you for waiting my latest book to be finished


Hello!! Chapter 14 of  'THE CURSE' is now  posted! Read it and i hope you'll enjoy the little flashback I just wanted to remind you that this week and next week, i'll be busy before of my Midterm examination and my other irl works so i might delayed some time to update! But I hope you understand stay safe and please eat well!! Stay healthy everyone