
GUYS! I'm not dead and I'm actually writing something. It is a fanfic and if you haven't read I Was Here by Gayle Forman (first of all, go read it now) then you probably shouldn't read it...
          	But I'm back and I'm almost out of school (only a week and a half left) and I'll be writing more and actually being active (hopefully). Please feel free to message me, especially if we used to talk a lot. I really miss you guys and hope we start talking again.


GUYS! I'm not dead and I'm actually writing something. It is a fanfic and if you haven't read I Was Here by Gayle Forman (first of all, go read it now) then you probably shouldn't read it...
          But I'm back and I'm almost out of school (only a week and a half left) and I'll be writing more and actually being active (hopefully). Please feel free to message me, especially if we used to talk a lot. I really miss you guys and hope we start talking again.