
Hey guys!! I finally posted Chapter 9 of The Adventures of Wilky!! Hope you like it!! Thanks for being patient and I'll catch y'all later!♥️♥️
          	I just published "Chapter 9: Bippy's Restaurant" of my story "The Adventures of Wilky  (a Willa&Bucky fanfiction)". https://www.wattpad.com/1152756980?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=taradaames&wp_originator=ZVOmkX%2Bvh65LcPBvp%2BDZylL%2FNG7Dzhv75gRXzhdlLN2ItDnT0js7D5XwnZ0YYIcpZK548o1G0RZQawqePy5ZSXDFCcx7NlRws28MUzJfuFwccTbRbYjMMxug%2FyUyKKcK


Hey guys!! I finally posted Chapter 9 of The Adventures of Wilky!! Hope you like it!! Thanks for being patient and I'll catch y'all later!♥️♥️
          I just published "Chapter 9: Bippy's Restaurant" of my story "The Adventures of Wilky  (a Willa&Bucky fanfiction)". https://www.wattpad.com/1152756980?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=taradaames&wp_originator=ZVOmkX%2Bvh65LcPBvp%2BDZylL%2FNG7Dzhv75gRXzhdlLN2ItDnT0js7D5XwnZ0YYIcpZK548o1G0RZQawqePy5ZSXDFCcx7NlRws28MUzJfuFwccTbRbYjMMxug%2FyUyKKcK


Hi guys! Sorry I've been so MIA and inactive. You guys must've thought I deleted Wattpad or that I was discontinuing The Adventures of Wilky. But good news, I'm not. I doubt I'll post anytime soon because it's almost my final exam but I'll try. That's all for now. Love y'all!!♥️♥️♥️


Hey guys! I just published The Adventures of Wilky Chapter 8. Sorry for being so late but I hope you guys like it. Love, Tara♥️♥️♥️
          I just published "Chapter 8: Making out" of my story "The Adventures of Wilky  (a Willa&Bucky fanfiction)". https://www.wattpad.com/1135162864?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=taradaames&wp_originator=P17Wp%2Bc0NX0OE7JSArUMwl8Mc%2B84p%2BzE40nYAVJNdYdnuZY%2Bpb2pu7Wy7pPTfK%2F6cH5A1KBfj%2BUovKZ5h2ydy6Of%2F0vyX7Vtv%2B4WK23%2B6OK6H1yKVCIO0jCGa8eb7Af%2B


Hi guys! I just uploaded chapter 7 of The Adventures of Wilky. It's called Chapter 7: Meeting the aliens. Hope you enjoy! Tell what you think in the comments.


Aww! Thanks so much! It means a lot


@taradaames how does book only have 64 reads it deserves 50million


Hey guys! Sorry it took a while to update chapter 6, I've just been a bit busy. But, here it is: Chapter 6: Meeting Vanna again. Hope you guys enjoy. Please tell me what you think in the comments. I have chapter 7 ready but I'll upload it later. Love, Tara♥️♥️
          I just published "Chapter 6: Meeting Vanna again" of my story "The Adventures of Wilky  (a Willa&Bucky fanfiction)". https://www.wattpad.com/1128548097?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=taradaames&wp_originator=pcdSCEPtguOPTSRVYda8%2FmuR2C8rh5l8mH2tTz8tcTDrybkwrwwIKwGWXM0ccij5Rd6Nn3gwCD9W%2BijQHZnJWs8dZ0W5QPiqdjZiseqDDMqFVHRYBITsKbgknd96dJm%2F


I have just posted chapter 5 of The Adventures of Wilky! If you haven't seen it please go and check it out and tell me what you think in the comments. If you want to see more hit that 'follow' button! Chapter 6 will be posted soon! See ya later!♥️Tara.


Hey guys! I just wanted to announce that chapter 2 of The Adventures of Wilky is out! Chapter 3 is coming soon! Please comment to tell me what you think. Lots of love, Tara.
          I just published "Chapter 2: Willa's crush" of my story "The Adventures of Wilky  (a Willa&Bucky fanfiction)". https://www.wattpad.com/1124938185?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=daamestara&wp_originator=1LqkRP30rXhxk1a17XFMuB3Q9dpECAYQgHTe5gxyApeMzmoTyzJSM4aQCAPvHqDBu6U9TEusx0vnE94j1bKzmuX4DxWqAR3L7FUHW752KCftZHpHth3tPRVL1jX%2Fwgqd