
Hey guys quick update! I may not be able to post the Christmas special today but if I don’t I’ll defend post it tomorrow morning ish! I hope y’all have an amazing Christmas mwah 


this message may be offensive
hii not to be an asshole or anything but im really invested in your xiaoven story and was wondering when will you be able to update it? sorry if this comes out weird


This is hecka late but I’m actually writing now! So many of y’all have inspired me now and I should have an update out tonight or tomorrow 


So sorry for the long wait for the next chapter to happy pills. I’ve decided to give the book a short break because I wasn’t sure what to do for the next few chapters and I wanna catch up with the book so I can have a few chapters already written. So I’ll be posting a chapter tomorrow that’s not really with the storyline but about the side characters. Then I’ll take some time to write a few chapters before posting again regularly. I’m so sorry for the wait and I hope y’all can forgive me for this decision. I love you all mwah mwah 


OK well I hope you update soon I hope you’re feeling all right


Hello bears! I haven’t been feeling alright recently, so I’ve decided I’m gonna be a little slow with updates but I promise to do at least one chapter a week and if I can’t then I’ll let y’all know. I hope you are all doing alright and I’ll see you guys in the next chapter coming sometime before this week ends. love you all mwah mwah -kuku  


I’ll be posting the next chapter to || happy pills|| tomorrow or late tonight! I’ve been having a little trouble with ideas for future chapters so it put a delay in my chapter posting! Love y’all mwah mwah 


I've got chu a lil stuffy lion!~  *juggles the stuffed lion in hands, fluffing it happily* I got it from a carnival just for you Taetae...I uh *blushes softly* I-I hope you love it! And by any chance, have you seen my jams? I've lost them somewhere and I can't find them... *rubs watery eyes while a tear runs down cheek* I-if you do find them, please tell chimchim? *sniffles while handing over the stuffed lion plushy* 


            *smiles and hugs back*


            Yeah and no problem chim chim! I'm happy that your happy!! *smiles and giggles*