
Hi there! This might be a bit awkward, but I was wondering of you know a story here in wattpad that has the full version of 5 big shots kneel down and call me mom? You see, I noticed that the author that copied the book kept on tagging you, and I was hoping you know any..? Please help, I really like that book! Sorry for the inconvenience 


@zya_adriana Hello, thank you very much for reading and voting on my story QT: Against My Will!  (灬º‿º灬)♡


@ChubbyLiv wahhhhh!!! I'm so excited.. I got a message from you (^o^).. You're welcome... I really enjoy reading your story.. Your writing style and idea is very awesome which is very different with the other novel that i have read.. Fightingg!! ^o^ 