Chapter 1

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Leaving home for school was never something Cassie could get used to. She had very much enjoyed her time during the summer back in America, but now she was at her homestay in Japan yet again.

With all of her hard work, she'd be a half decent manager by the end of her studies and her parents were more than all for it. It was an easy choice sending her to her homestay in Japan thanks to the close relationship the families had. Cassie, having known the family when she first stayed with them as a young girl, was more than overjoyed when she heard she'd be doing it all over again for highschool.

The cool April air passed over her as she stepped outside to start her first day of school.

"Maybe I should have asked Kagami to go with me..." She looked back to the door knowing he was still asleep inside. "No, I'll have to find these places on my own eventually and he already showed me the way there so... so I should be fine!" Cassie pumped herself up and began to move quickly to the ground floor where she got onto the street and began her journey.

Wanting to actually make it to school, she figured leaving a few hours earlier would help in being on time. Cassie got on the nearly empty train and tried to listen for her stop. However—not knowing how to read Japanese very well—she didn't know what the station was even called. She tried her best to remember the name she had heard when Kagami showed it to her.

As the minutes passed and more people crowded onto the train, Cassie's efforts wound her up in a completely different part of the city. She got off the train knowing if she went any further, she'd be nearly leaving the country. Cassie didn't recognize the area she was in, but she decided to follow the other students she saw. While she knew this wasn't the way to her school, she hoped someone there would be nice enough to direct her.

Cassie arrived at the school and just wandered around the halls hoping to find the staff room or any teachers. The layout of the school brought her to the first floor and she wound up entering the gym. She hadn't heard anything for a bit when suddenly a ball dropped and she heard someone slamming to the ground from a dunk shot. Her eyes went to the person who had dunked, as she noticed first how tall they were. Her staring hadn't gone unnoticed. Said person hummed in her direction feeling her eyes on him, appearing to be annoyed with the look she was giving him.

"Oh? Who are you?"

Before anything could come of the glare, Cassie turned and saw someone approaching her. He was tall as well, but she didn't have time to concern about that when she remembered where she was. Her body dropped in a ninety degree bow not knowing anything else to do.

"I'm sorry... I'm looking for a teacher... or anyone who can help me." Her voice trailed as she realized the volume of her voice in the gym.

The male smiled at her. "Are you new here? I don't recognize your uniform."

"Oh, uh... I-I actually don't go here." She admitted.

"What? Where are you supposed to be then?"

"Uh, Seirin High school?"

His eyes went wide at her words. "You came all the way here?" Another one in the gym approached the pair after hearing that. "What are you, some kind of foreigner?"

She nodded. "Actually, I just moved here, I'm Cassie Ann." Cassie then looked to the first boy that had approached her and noticed a ring on a chain, her eyes went wide. "Oh, that looks just like this necklace a friend of mine has."

"This? There's only one other person who would have something like this."

"No way, are you Himuro...? -San." She tagged on the honorific.

Bothersome Romance (MurasakibaraxOC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant