Chapter 12

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The night went by uneventfully—something Cassie was grateful for—and once Kuroko left, the trio called it a night.

While Kagami wasn’t thrilled about Murasakibara staying over without warning, he didn’t have much choice and let him sleep on the living room floor since the couch was too small.

Once morning came, Cassie was up earlier than she usually would on a weekend. Groggy and irritated by the morning light, she got herself out of bed and got dressed to meet Kise.

“All this because he refuses to talk to me on the phone…” She grumbled to herself.

It didn’t take her very long to get changed. She left her room and went for the front door, she made sure not to disturb Murasakibara and once she was outside, she sighed and made her way to meet Kise.

Their meeting place wasn’t too far off from Kagami’s apartment. It did feel strange to Cassie that she’d only be traveling a few minutes compared to the half an hour she was used to. She almost made the mistake of heading for the station instead of the park.

And as soon as she saw the lush grass occupied by a few people, she heard her name.

“Cassiecchi! Over here!” Seeing Kise, waving her down, she made her way over and was immediately embraced. “You look really cute.” Cassie returned the hug slightly, making Kise hum in confusion. “Huh? I thought you’d be more happy to see me.”

“Kise, you do remember I said I wanted to tell you something right?”

“Really?” He put his head up in thought. “I thought you just wanted to hang out with me.”

“No. I wanted to tell you I’m not interested in dating you.”

Kise blinked several times, but eventually he smiled. “I haven’t even asked you out and you already turned me down?”

“I don’t want you to waste your time.”

“It’s not a waste Cassiecchi, all girls deserve a little attention.” He paused. “Besides, I thought you would have appreciated it.”

“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You just looked so mad the day we met, I figured you could use some compliments.”

“So you just did this to make me feel better?”

He nodded. “Don’t get me wrong though, I do think you’re cute and I’ll be here if you ever change your mind-” He winked. “-but, yeah, you just seemed like something was really on your mind. I figured Murasakibaracchi wasn’t exactly a helpful distraction.”

Thinking back to the day, it occurred to her that the “mad” face he saw was actually an attempt at distracting herself.

That night had been a little nerve wrecking for her and thinking back to the reason why made the heat run to her face. That mixed with the question she was asked the night before made her more embarrassed and soon she was clamming up.

Kise leaned closer with a shocked expression. Cassie stumbled back at the lack of distance between them.

“You’re blushing!”

“N-no I’m not!” She tried to hide her flushed face.

He laughed. “Was it because I said Murasakibaracchi?” Cassie looked off. “Ah, I knew I should have asked if you had a boyfriend, why else were you two together?”

“We were getting something to eat!”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t explain why Murasakibaracchi was so mad.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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