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Ave Maria floated around her, the sweet, rounded notes almost too high for her soft hum. But the subtle, hopeful sadness suited her mood as she brushed dust off long-neglected books and categorized them with a mindful eye.

It was Hermione's second day in the library, and she had realized upon first entering that it was a Herculean task that awaited her. Half the books and bookshelves were blasted and across the room in piles, so she must sort through those that could be salvaged, those that needed to be replaced, and those that were just gone. Then she would need to have the shelves replaced or repaired, and that did not take into account all that needed doing as far as the Restricted Section and the previously banned books stacked along the tables in said place.

She would need someone with a wand for those, as many were cursed or spelled or otherwise in need of magical examination. But that would come later.

Antonin was watching her with a keen eye as she worked, and would interrupt her for meals and with reminders to hydrate. Otherwise he kept to himself at the librarian's desk (which was the first thing she righted, asking his help for the magical portions), occasionally fielding queries from other Death Eaters.

It seemed Hogwarts was now central to Death Eater organization, at least during the summer. Men in dark cloaks roamed the halls, scurrying from office to Great Hall to whoever knew where. Snape had finally managed to get into the Headmaster's quarters some time after the final battle, so he often took meetings there. As one of the Dark Lord's most trusted, Snape delegated quite a bit. And the re-opening of Hogwarts was considered the highest priority after securing the government.

It was beginning to look like the school she'd known, though with changes that crawled along her skin with wrongness. Fewer portraits along the stone walls, missing statues and suits of armor.

Hermione plucked a book from the ruin of the Herbology section and blew gently over the embossed cover, and her heart sank at the title 1,000 Magical Herbs and Fungi. She flipped through the pages, the song falling from her lips as she checked it for damage.

"The Headmaster wants to see you, sir."

She nearly dropped the book at the unknown voice, spinning on the spot and just barely not reaching for the wand that she no longer had. It was a young man, a Slytherin she thought graduated a few years ago. Dolohov narrowed his eyes at the boy. "Is that so?"

"Yes, sir. He instructed me to tell you I would watch Miss Granger while you were away and that it should be a quick meeting." He looked decidedly less confident the longer he spoke, until he was wringing his hands at the end.

The burning grey coals redirected to Hermione. "Do you know this young man, pet?"

"No. We weren't in the same year."

Dolohov rolled his jaw and considered the young man. "You understand I will murder you if you touch her." He nodded. "And you do not want to know what I will do if she is hurt, or worse, gone." He stalked to her, gripped her chin in iron. "Do not give him any trouble. Do not even think of trying any Gryffindor nonsense. And do not let him touch you."

"Of course, Antonin." Her heart was like hummingbird wings in her throat. He nodded, kissed her gently, and walked away.

Hermione sank into the nearest chair and stared at the doorway as a wave of disbelief bowled over her. She was alone. Well, nearly. The former Slytherin was watching from a distance, clearly too nervous to approach her while also wanting to keep her in sight. If she had a wand, an invisibility cloak, a distraction, anything she could get away. Perhaps take one of the passages-- well, the humpback witch was caved in, and who knew what the Room of Requirement was like-- so she could go into the Forbidden Forest. Without a wand.

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