Dangerous Musings

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Fridays were Hogwarts Days unless Snape needed Antonin for a meeting or whatnot; apparently staff took turns on library duty until a librarian could be found, while Hermione sorted, catalogued, and fixed everything the one day she was allowed.

Their other days continued as they did before for the most part. They both had "work" to go over through the week, but it was rather light and the Death Eater often decided they would work side-by-side (or, rather, with Hermione on his lap. That's where she was now."

"How many subcategories for each section do you have, love?" His lips moved against the shell of her ear and sent fissions down her flesh.

"It highly depends on the category. But I am just looking this over to reference the order of the subjects at the moment. The Restricted Section taked priority until it's sorted." Her words were distant but she was far more present than it let on.

"Mmm." His warmth hummed through her. "Yes, that's an excellent idea. And Dark Arts from there; focus on the areas the Dark Lord prefers. He'll like that."

"Will he?" Her mind flashed so reflections nearly blinded her. "Do you think he might be inclined to a small, miniscule, really, favor?"

Leaden hands closed around her slight waist to anchor each crevice of her body to his. "A favor, kitten? One must tread carefully with favors from the Dark Lord. What is this favor?"

She peered shyly over her shoulder at the striking man. "I'd like to sit my N.E.W.T.s."

Thick brows shot up at that. "I know you are a studious, academically inclined girl, but what use would that be for anyone now?"

"It's just-- I've looked forward to them for years, studying and prepping so I could achieve my full potential. Future employers will look to them for a first indication--"

"Employers?" Antonin's features had returned to stone. "You have no need to work, Hermione. I will always provide whatever our family needs."

Her stomach knotted and swirled. "But I like work."

He stroked possessively at her body, fingers bruisingly deep. "You may read and write whatever you want, send in papers and dither in intellectual pursuits to your heart's content as long as it doesn't disrupt our life. Why would you care about examinations?"

None of his words did anything to placate the waves disturbing the careful damming of her mind, but Hermione had nearly perfected her mask of compliance. "As I said, I have been preparing for these tests for years; they are the culmination of my education; an education I did not get to complete." Her eyes widened to warm chestnuts gleaming with sorrow. "It would, I don't know, perhaps help me move forward?"

"Oh, my sweet, soft kitten." Antonin kissed her hair and stroked her with all the tenderness of a dragon amidst his gold. He tipped her chin and planted another kiss on petal soft lips. "Perhaps we can speak to the Dark Lord about it, but it would be a magnanimous boon indeed. You will need to prove you are worthy of it."

Hermione swallowed, watching as Antonin followed the movement of her throat. "I know."

"Do you?" He considered her. "You are already granted so much, my sweet girl. From the Dark Lord. From me."

"I know," she repeated, laying one wavering hand against his cheek. Antonin rubbed against it with the contentment of a great cat, his stubble sandpaper against her palm.

"Though I find it difficult to deny you when you are so well-behaved." His voice lowered to a rumble through his chest, hot and purring against her.

Her eyes softened and she leant up to graze her lips over his. "I know." She took his bottom lip between her own and swiped at the top, teeth skimming below, and he groaned. One tight fist wove through her hair to hold her in place as Antonin took over the kiss. Within their first breath he turned her to straddle him, burning fingers tugging at her neckline until her breasts were revealed, pert over the top of her dress and nipples blushing and tightening at the cool air of the study.

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