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From: Amari Constello
To: Lorcan Trinidad
Subject: 26 days

I've been thinking about a lot of things since last night after I saw our pictures together and finally... I've decided what to do.

I made a to-do list of the things that I'll do alone. Maybe these will help me to think straight and get used to being alone.

Ps. Since I only have 25 days of my 30 days, I made a 25 days plan.

25 Things to-do Without Lorcan
1. roadtrip
2. watch sunset
3. eat ice-cream
4. go to church
5. ride a bike
6. movie marathon
7. go to a library
8. 4AM run
9. stroll at night
10. hike
11. watch a concert
12. cook your favorite food
13. stargazing
14. watch basketball game
15. picnic
16. ride a ferris wheel
17. go to the theater
18. go camping
19. cliff jump
20. walk in the rain
21. go to museum
22. read your favorite book
23. recreate our first romantic dinner date
24. make a written love letter
25. watch sunrise

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