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From: Amari Constello
To: Lorcan Trinidad
Subject: Not A Goodbye

Am I too hard-headed? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, love, but I won't say goobye.

These past few days, I realized that forgetting to you won't do me any good. I mean, how can I do that when everything that I do reminds me of you.

Missing you became a habit and I can't do anything about that, not that I'm willing to do anything anyway.

But then, I already accepted the fact that you're gone, that you won't comeback even if I shed a million tears... That's all I can do.

My idea of moving on wasn't really to forget about us but to accept that you can't be with me. I think that's the bottom line of all of these. That 30 days made me love you even more and I don't think I can love greater than this if it's not you.

Today is your 2nd death anniversary which is also our 8th anniversary as a couple. You see, I never visit your grave since we burried you but I am here now. I never thought I'll give you any flower, but I did. I brought the same flower that you're giving me during our anniversaries.

The years we spent together will remain as my most cherished memories. I can now think of you without getting hurt. I'll do what you asked me to do, be happy even when you're gone. However, I can't do your other wish, which is to find love again.

I'll continue to love you until my last breath. I will do as I promise, grow old with you, even if I'll have to do it alone now.

This won't be a goodbye Lorcan. I'll see you soon, with my grey hair and wrinkled face. Until then my love.

Your Mrs. Trinidad

THE ART OF MOVING ON Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon