3. The First Paw

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After meeting wolf Dave Kipo Started growing fur on her hand wolf was scared that time... then wolf got away from Kipo and Benson, Benson starting to follow wolf.... Then that time Benson finally got her then, Kipo fur got away wolf was scared because mutes are scary.. but now wolf starting to realized its gone :) then now they stick together now! then they have fun with great friends but Kipo Still need her dad but now they found dad they hug :)))))))))) so now the dad show around the place with other people "woah" kipo said so the other people were like"*Builds* they build a house to live on :)

So now they have fun with Kipo but the mega monkey was the mom but Kipo still miss the Mom ( i learned iamAshyTheWritter go to the channel down below) now of that im lazy ._. but now im not gonna do this :(

@IamAshyTheWriter @TheBunBunGirlsReader

@IamAshyTheWriter @TheBunBunGirlsReader.

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