2. Kipo First Met

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Lio (the dad) help Kipo to get up the hill but the mega monkey destroyed it, meanwhile that the dad was gone.. she did not give up she tried to find dad but now she found Mandu the boar shes a mute and she found cute bunnys the mom came Kipo said: oh noooo, then she tried to get out and she did but she lost Mandu but luckily she found her but wolf took her.

Then Kipo found wolf then she tried to eat Mandu but Kipo siad STOP!!! wolf said shes mah food she had Stalky to keep her company than now wolf starting to help her get his dad. creator: Also follow this girl and

anyway lets go. Then Kipo tried to find way home but she found Benson And Dave, Dave was the bug Benson was a human also dave was a mute minutes ago, they all bike to way home kipo said thats the place where my family and me live! they biked there but jamack the mute frog catches benson then kipo saved benson benson got capured by jamack.

she did want besson to leave.

@IamAshyTheWriter @BunBunGirlsReader follow them!

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