Drinks = Boys?

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*TW: language, sex, Bl, drinking*
Also this will not have my usual description than my usual stories since this is a one shot and it's a very long one. It will be mostly dialogue, and this is also VERY much inspired by the movie, Superbad because everything that happens is basically the same but it's my own dialogue and magi characters. (I kinda changed the ending a little)

"Dude, I'm telling you, Piprika's thick as fuck!" Mystras explained as he and Sinbad walked down the sidewalk. Sinbad chuckled a little but kept walking forward. To be honest, he wasn't even into those girls. He was more into... people like Jafar.

"And I'm telling you, Jafar is a great guy who is sexy as fuck." Mystras huffed, hitting Sinbad over the back.

"How is he 'sexy'? I've never seen him in any revealing clothing, or done anything remotely sexy like."

"Well, for one, his body just is sexy. I can tell. I mean, have you seen him in the changing in the changing room?"

"Well, no. But you just fucking stare at the guy and say, 'omg he's so fucking smexy!!'" Mystras said in a more lower voice. Sinbad blinked at his childhood friend before frowning. He kicked Mystras in the shin.

"'Smexy?' What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Mystras smirked, placing his hands on his hips, snickering. "I do not fucking sound like that." Mystras shrugged, hitting Sinbad over the head.

"I still can't get over how you don't want pussy, dude. All you want is dick, but you want your dick inside Jafar!" Sinbad snickered, nodding.

"Of course, why else would I have such a big crush on the cutest, most lovable, and greatest person in the world?" Mystras slouched, looking over at his friend.

"You're a real fucking bitch, you know that right?" Sinbad shrugged.

"Maybe it's because I'd rather have dick than pussy."

"I think that's the reason you're messed up..."

During School

"Listen, Mrs. Prissypants, when will I ever do this fucking crap in my life? Seriously, when will I need to build a house made out of cookie dough in real life? I only took this class to get an A, so the least you can do is teach me something I'd do in real life." Mystras practically yelled to his teacher. She sighed, looking around. "A-and sorry for cussing.."

"Well, you can go help out Piprika... her current partner isn't doing her any good right now." Mystras's eyes lit up as his teacher walked away, him running over to assist Piprika.

"Hey, Pipi?" Piprika looked over at him, raising a brow. She chuckled after a moment. "Whatcha, peepin'?" Piprika started laughing like crazy, wiping a fake tear from her eye.

"Why don't you help your friends over there?" She pointed at Sinbad and Sharrkan, who were struggling with their project. Mystras sighed, winking at Piprika before leaving.

"Wait for me, princess Pipi."

"I think it's princess Peach..?"

"Yeah, yeah...- Oh hey Sin~! Whatcha and Sharkie boy over here mushing together like your dicks with pussy's?" Sinbad shook his head, dropping their project back into pieces.

"God damn it, fucking bitch..." He slowly started to pick it up. Sharrkan snickered and turned to Mystras.

"Have you seen Yamuraiha?! Her shirt was so low at the top, I could seriously see the outline of her tits, dude! It was like she wasn't wearing a bra or something! I could see her nipples!"

"Stop jerking off to that freak, Shark." Mystras waved his hand up and down at Sharrkan, huffing. "That porn we watched the other night was more than enough to satisfy your needs for pussy. Besides~ Piprika's smoking today!! She totally digs me!"

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