Chapter 1

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Hi, I am Daisy Vance. Recently I have been fired from my job. I was working as a bartender when a drunk man came in and sat down in front of me. I asked him if he wanted anything to drink and he said yes, so I went to get some glasses of beer for him. When I was coming back to his table, to hand over his drink, I tripped on the rug that was on the floor. The beer that I had in my hands had spilled all over the drunk man.

"Are you okay sir?!" I asked frantically.

"You damn bartender! You can't even deliver beer to one of your costumers right! Where's the manager!?" The drunk man exclaimed trying to get up. Since I didn't want to upset this man anymore, I went to get my manager. When I got to her office, I knocked on the door.

"Ms. Wright?" I asked.

"Yes Daisy? If you need me, I'll come out in a minute." she said. A few minutes later she came out of her office and asked me what was wrong.

"There's a man calling for the manager. I need you to come with me." I spoke.

"Is It a drunk man again? Just show me where the man is already." she sighed, impatiently. When I took her to the drunk man her face changed from annoying to shocked. She then ran to the man and started hugging him. She kept asking if he was okay and then he pointed at me.

"She spilled beer on me. She did this all on purpose!" He yelled at me.

"Why would you think that!? I got you beer and started to come over to you when I tripped on that rug over there." I said pointing to thr rug on the floor. Wow. This man is two-sided. He first yelled at me and now he's whining like a little dog. If you want to get rid of me, he should try harder.

"Daisy is that true? Why would you spill beer on my fiancé? On PURPOSE?!" Ms. Wright exclaimed harshly.

"No, I wasn't trying to-" I started to respond.

"She tried to assault me by pushing me with a towel! You should fire her! She's not being very aware of the people who come into this bar!" yelled the man.

"Daisy why would you assault somebody like that!? Even my fiancé!? You were even going to get promoted next week! I cannot believe you would do that to him! YOUR FIRED!" Ms. Wright yelled at me.

"Wait I haven't even explained my side of the story yet Ms. Wright! Can't you let me-" i exclaimed while running my hands through my hair. Almost trying to pull it out in anger.

"Just get out already! If your too stubborn I'll call the cops right now." Ms. Wright said annoyed. She started to get her phone out and pressed 9-1-1.

"Okay! Okay! I'll get going already. Just to let you know I didn't try to assault him! I tried to dry him off with a towel so he wouldn't get any angrier. You guys couldn't even listen to my reasoning behind this all! I'm glad that I was fired today! And guess what? I do not even care if I was going to get promoted! You don't pay me enough anyway because your always buying jewelery for yourself Ms. Wright!" I stated loudly. I really did not care if I got fired, this job was NOT worth it. I have been working here for only 4 months, but I know what everyone does here. Josie,  Another bartender like me, thinks about her boyfriend all the time because she doesnt help when asked to. When there's no one to serve or get beer for, she texts on her phone. Let's see... Another bartender like myself, Joney, has been stealing money from the register lately. He threathened to choke us if we told anybody, so Josie and I had to kept quiet about that incident. Josie wasn't going to tell anybody because she also did it sometimes... Working here was so unfair, I was sick of it. I knew this day would come sooner than later.

"Really!!? If I was going to get fired today I would've had more fun!" i said laughing. I ran to the shelves of beer and grabbed a bottle and opened it. I hurried over to where Ms. Wright was standing and poured the beer on her. 

"IM QUITTING!" i yelled. At this point in time everyone in the bar had been watching for some time. I saw random costumers watching me and snickering. I really didnt care what those creeps were thinking. Im fed up with this place. I threw down the beer bottle and it shattered to peices. 

"Let me get my stuff really quick and I'll skiddadle!" I said smiling. I walked to the back of the counter and grabbed my purse, jacket, and phone.

"Yall have a good one!" i yelled at Ms. Wright and her Fiance. I opened the restraunt doors and walked out of the bar. I got into my Ford truck and drove off to my apartment for the night.

The Pet Shop In The Middle of New Yorkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें