Chapter 2

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I yawned while sat up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom. I got my toothbrush out and started brushing my teeth. After I was done with my bathroom necessities, I headed to my kitchen to fix up breakfast. I cooked up 3 eggs and 2 peices of bacon, then I poured out some orange juice in a glass cup. 

"Let's see if I can get a new job." I said to myself sighing. I brought my food to the kitchen table and got my phone and labtop out. 

Jobs near me. I typed out

Wow there's a quite a lot of them. Well let's apply and see if I can get aceppted, then I'll decide among that. I applied to most of the requests, like working at a car wash, a bakery, the nearby movie theatre, an office assistant, and many more exhausting jobs. 

"I'm BORED" I grumbled. I had been scrolling through the lists of jobs and I had scrolled to the last page for jobs to find a pet shop that needed employees. I didn't see how that can hurt me, so I also applied for the job. 

If I even got accepted to the pet shop I would laugh. It was last on the last page for Google search. Okay now this is the worst and most anxious part out of it all. 


This was going to take forever. I just have to by a whole days worth of time. I toke a shower and got some clothes on and then I left to run some errends. 

"I'm going to be on a diet so should I get regular salad or spinach?" I questioned myself. I started to walk towards the salad section when I remebered I accidentally left my tap running in my apartment. I started to speed walk to the exit, but then I had run into someone.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" I asked them. 

I turned to face the person I ran into and saw it was a man. His figure was lean and tall. He had dirty blond hair and strickingly blue eyes that looked like the sea if you were to stare at them for too long.

"Oh it's fine. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." he said while dusting himself off. 

"No it's my fault, I was in a hurry to get home." I sighed embarressed.

 "Well I hope this makes up for the water damage." the man said while getting his wallet out. 

He then handed me 50 dollars and waved goodbye. 


First of all, why in the world would a random person give me 50 dollars?

I was the one who crashed into them. Second of all, WHO WAS THAT GUY?

He looked like a model, but I don't think he was one. Well this "mystery man" is "mysterious". I walked out of the store confused and drove home. 

When unlocked my apartment and saw the water in the sink running. 

"OH SHOOT IT'S OVERFLOWING." I yelled, rushing to the sink.

I turned off the tap and ran to get a bucket. I grapped a bucket from my storage closet and scooped some of the water. I then ran to the front door and threw it out. I kept doing this routine until my sink had just a gallon of water left.

"Phew... Good thing it only overflowed a little bit." I said to myself while collasping on the couch. 

I can't believe I left the sink on. Wait. Today I was in the kitchen making breakfast. I only made eggs bacon and I poured myself some orange juice, but i never used water. I didn't wash my hands in the kitchen sink because I remember washing thme in my own bathroom sink. Did someone break into my house and turn the water on. Impossible. The only people I know who would do that are the Wet Bandits from Home Alone. Wait hold on a second. What did the man tell me from the store. "Here I hope this makes up for the WATER DAMAGE." Oh my goodness... How did he know my sink was overflowing? I didn't tell him. At least I don;t think I told him that much information. Or maybe im just over thinking things. Yes i think i am. I'll just try to relax and read my job application forms to see if I got accepted or denied. Okay for the Bakery i got Denied since i didnt have enough experience, makes sense. The car wash job I dropped out of because it only pays you 5 dollars per hour. I need a Full-time job not a part tome job. The movie theather accepted me to come in tomorrow for my interview and the office assistant job also accepted me to come in the day after tomorrow. Yes! I actually had jobs that accepted me. Now what about that pet shop job. I went to my Google search and clicked on the last page. The pet shop accepted me! My interview was on the same day as the office assistant interview.

"I hope the schedules dont collide." I said. Today was exhausting from getting fired yesterday to the store incident to even the water overflowing i think i had enough for one day. I got up from the couch and put my labtop and phone to charge. I changed my clothes into lazy-around-the-house clothes and jumped into my bed to sleep. I liked sleeping early. It got me ready for the next day to come. I then snuggled with my pillow and closed my eyes.


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