f-first meetings.. 🔫

29 0 2

keith chan waz walkying hom runying az fazt as hi cold, becuz he uh uhee saw hiz crushz scok kun xD .......... 😫 sock kun so so FUCKING HAWT MMmMmMmMmk xD 🤪 uh zo he ran away flustereded~~~~~~~~~~~ he ran tu hiz house panting lycke a dyog becuz hez a weak twin an he etz mcodnalz and wendyz everydaye lol fat.. /j honesly me too xD

~scok kuns pov~
"who waz that locking at mi......" az he s-sayed that keith ch-chan nyaa~~ rwan away!!! xD "h-he ran away blsuhing???? Dx i shold go zee if hez ok lawl"

then, scok chan ran afwer keith chan kawaii desuu~~~~ he didn know y but cold thiz be tha start of lov??????? 😻😻😻

•keith chans pov...•
i ran away zo flustereded n-nya!!~~~~ when i mayd it out syde my houz i panted liek a stuped inu chan~~ nya....... "i-i hyope thaht scok chan doesnt c-catch up with me n-nya..... taht wold be embarasing....."

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