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Oakley shyly walked up to their anime senpai, Jimmy Urine.

"Jimmy,,,Can I have a smooch,," Oakley asked.

"Uhh no you little bitch <3" replied Jimmy.

Oakley was heart broken. They ran until their legs couldnt operate any longer, which didn't get them very far. They never wanted to see Jimmy's face again.

A few years pass by, and Oakley is at the local store getting mustard and salt for their daily mustard and salt snack. They grabbed a bottle of mustard, but they dropped it. They went to pick it up, but it was gone? They looked up, and saw...Jimmy?!?!?! "You dropped this, you dumbass." Jimmy said, holding out the bottle for Oakley to grab. "Oh..Thanks I guess." They said while grabbing the bottle from Jimmy's big hand. As soon as Oakley looked back at Jimmy, they missed the day that Jimmy bursted down their door. "Jimmy, I..."
Why am I doing this. I could be sleeping. I could be drawing. I could be doing anything useful right now, and I choose to write this piece of shit? I hope you stinkies enjoy this, because for now, I'm going to bed 😫

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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