Learn Me

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Keeping the ratio, I need my sanity,
Black and White like it's racial,
My creativity bout' to shoot off the roof like I'm in the league,
Ashing facts like it's a couple of cig-arettes,
I don't smoke though.
I'm not new to the flames,
Look at the frames,
Masterpieces I preach,

Humanity I try to reach,
Sometimes I think, each to his own,
You cook what you eat.
You sow what you reap,
And I'm the reaper.
Don't be a sleeper,
That's one step closer to death.
Closer to the end,

You see your fears,
Shade your tears,
Hard to let go of this life;
The physical,
I'm learning about the spiritual,
The peace in the after,
Bringing me closer to my maker,
Accepting what is and the later;

Days to come as I layer;
My truths in this words,
Am living in the moment,
Trying to grasp every minute of it,
Thinking as I sit,
On that meditation plane;
Astral projection,
I see more clearly.

More than ever, I got my sanity,
Am breathing,
Slowly, I fade into space,
Lost in the stars,
I've been a lost soul from the start,
Trying to find pieces of me,
Sorry if this is confusing,
But to me, it's amusing.

I got hold of my self,
Hope you learn me too.

This is what mama preached.
This is what mama preached.

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