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Loch's P.O.V.

I live in the Victor's Village in district four. It's been a year since I've won the games. Unfortunately I live in the house by myself. My parents visit me daily but decided to give me some space.

I try and distract myself everyday. But I have my sister, Aqua, standing by the door. She will always protect me. President Snow was nice enough to give me her statue when she lost to Bull in the tournament. She will now always remain in this frozen figure as a mermaid, reaching out to whatever she wanted.

When ever I leave, I kiss her on the cheek and go out the door. When I get back home, I give her another welcoming kiss when I walk through the door. Sometimes I'll even talk to her. Almost like she's still here.

Every day I go out in the ocean and swim with my dragon, Marine. He keeps me distracted of the dead tributes. He's my best friend. He swims with me and I fly on him a lot. I even control water so I can stay distracted. Yes, I got to keep my powers. President Snow said I can have them.

He was nice enough to let me keep Marine too. When we're home, he stays in his small form and when we fly together, he's at his full size.

I have physically left the games but not mentally. The day I always manage to escape the pain of the Hunger Games but every night the games replay in my nightmares. The fear and sorrow drags through me everyday because of it.

I remember Talon's last words, "Please help...." I will never forget those. But I know how to finish the sentence. The only drive he had to win the games. He wanted me to help Shale and Rust's little brother. I remember those words because it replays at night every night.

Sometimes certain tributes will show up. One night Aria showed up and was torchering me with her devil claws and her vicious eyes. She probably would have won if Marine didn't save me. And for that, I will always love him.

He will always sits in my lap and cuddle up to me when I sleep. He knows when I have nightmares and wakes me up before they get too bad. He's my true friend. I love him for everything he does for me.

I always have to buy fish so Marine can eat everyday. He eats a lot for a dragon. He can work up an apetite. I even by myself food. Atleast I don't have to work for it now.

But that's only because I won the Hunger Games. That's the only reason why. I actually haven't left the games and I doubt I ever will. Physically I have left, but every night it creeps into my dreams and becomes my nightmare.

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