Training day one

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Shock's P.O.V.


I wake up to the sound of footsteps in my room. I open my eyes and sit up in bed and find a little girl standing beside me. She just stands there silently, not saying anything. Wait... I know these type of people! What do they call them again..... oh yeah! Avox's!

She places my clothes on the end of my bed and silently leaves the room. I didn't even here her as she walked out of the room. Then who's footsteps did I hear?

I slip out of my pajamas and slowly put on my training clothes, still trying to manage to stay awake. I leave my room and head into the dining area. I see my escort Chloe, my mentor Ceres, and Tigris. They sit together eating their breakfast and I quickly join them.

"Hello." I say sitting down.

"Hi." Tigris says.

"Welcome." Chloe shrieks.

I smile a little when I hear her voice crack. I then see the girl that was in my room and place a plate full of food in front of me. I say thank you and then analyze my breakfast. Roasted bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast with a green-colored jelly spread across the surface of it.

I start by eating the delicious bacon and let the warmth of it sooth me.

"So, do you have any tips for us?" I ask, interrupting the meaningless silence.

"Yes. Make friends in that training room today." She says.

"You will need allies to help you guide you through the game. Your powers might be useless against someone else but if you have other people that have advantages over them, then you will win." She adds.

"But I can teleport. No one would be able to catch me." I say.

"Wrong. You could be too predictable and know where you go." She counters.

"And what if I'm not predictable?" I ask. She just rolls her eyes and continues to eat her eggs.

"Name someone with a power that would have an advantage over me." I challenge.

"Metalla. She can easily sense where you will go and when you will go. You wouldn't stand a chance against her." She says frustrated with me.

I sit back feeling embarrassed. I can feel my face getting hotter so I decide to drink some milk to try and replenish my natural face color. It doesn't help, but it does sooth my thirst.

Electra and Casper come in silently. Avox's then brings their food and they sit silently eating with us. Ceres probably would have gave them the advice but I probably made her too mad. I would but that is a stupid move; If I am to win, I must have an advantage over everyone.

Oak's P.O.V.


I finish eating my breakfast so I then set off to the training center. Sage, Fern, and Ivy walk with me so I'm not alone or anything.

We get down there and all of the tributes are there with President Snow standing in front of them.

"Hello tributes. Before we begin, I wanted to add a little twist to your powers. You guys have probably been so excited with your powers but two of you might be upset." He says gleaming evilly.

"The two that are trading powers are Metalla and Silk."

He adds.

"Now, there are our usual training sessions and then there are other doors for you to enter and learn how to use your powers. Once you get there, you will be injected with a shot to make you have this.... enhanced ability. But as you can see, I like making twists. Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor." He says pushing open the doors.

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