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(n.) sanskrit | the state of bliss in the absence of all thoughts


Noah's pov

It has happened already a week since I left my siblings without any car to drive back home from school.

At first I didn't realise that leaving Chuck alone meant leaving (with an equally porcent) Brook and Alex too. And even though my mother didn't belive me, it was true! I forgot it, I was so mad with Chuck that I forgot completely of them.

When I arrived home, I parked the car under the tree's shadow and entered the house. There was a some traffic so I've got a little bit delayed and it was already midday. I opened the fridge and searched something to eat. I prepared a big sandwich fulled of cheese, ham, a lot of fresh veggies and mayonnaise. I gathered my long and straigh hair into a ponytail, grabbed my sandwich and a soda and went to the living room. I watched an episode of "The Originals" and another one of "Two and a half men" and ate an apple.

As the time past, I went from 12 to 15 o'clock so, in other words, my mother was about to get home in any second.

I heard the ticking sound of the keys coming closer. My mother, Katerine, opened the door; her eyes widen when he saw me.

"Give me the chance to explain you"

"Oh o-okay" the didn't even doubt it. That was pretty easy, she always starts preaching.

"Well... Thank you" We walked to the dinning room to pick a snack and sat down. "Look, you know I'll never miss a class, and much less when we're, everyday, more closer to the finals"

"Yes, that's right, but you missed your class anyway Noah. That's not fine"

"Wait, wait, listen. Chuck was driving us to school, right?" Kate nodded. "Well, as always, it was Alex turn to use the aux cord and Chuck won't let him. Chuck and Brook started fighting; meanwhile, Alex was crying. So I put one my earphones and fell asleep. When I woke up it was like 10 am and I was still inside the LOCKED car, so it was imposible to get out. I remembered you told me there was a hidden key under the couch so I took it and came here. Before you say it, I KNOW IT WASN'T CORRECT, but I'll be 16 just in a few months and I drive well so I wasn't going to stay."

There was an awkward silence in the room which lasted seconds but seemed hours. She raised her eyes from the floor and stared at me. I felt so nervous because of this fucking problem Chuck made.


"You were wrong, it wasn't such an emergency. You could have waited Noah"

"Mom, PLEASE! I had no choice and that's the truth. Have you heard anything I said about Chuck?!"

"Yes I did! When he and your father arrive, we're going to have a talk with him"

"Great! Because you never punish him and it's not fair, you know"

"Do you know what is not fair? That because you couldn't wait and Chuck's joke, the ones we'll have to face the concequences are Brook and Alex"

She was right, but it wasn't on purpose. Anyway, I turned around and walked upstairs. I locked myself in my room and called Nina, she was one of my best friends and an A student as I was, so I knew she would tell me every single detail about what happened today: from study to gossip.

We've been videochating for an hour; she sent me some homework and told me that the final dance has been announced and Felix, the hottest guy in our class, has already started searching the perfect girl for it. Obviously he wouldn't pick us, I'm very lucky if he only knows my name, to be honest.

After taking a shower, I had dinner. My dad argued with Chuck, and that takes him to be my new bully for at least a week.

And I was correct. Probably, this week was quite annoying and difficult to get through. He could be so immature when he wanted...

1 week later

The warm sunshine landed on my face and woke me up the best way ever. I felt so good and I knew why. I was in the mood of writing in my blog, which I haven't since Wednesday because of Charles' fault.

As I started typing, listening to the cute noise the keyboard made, a huge smile appeared on my face. I giggled.

Today, a brand new week, a glorious Sunday "funday", 19 years ago, in a notorious day which would mark the life of loads of girls, in the enormous country of Australia, a beautiful kiwi boy was born: Calum Thomas Hood.

Calum's pov

Today was the 25th of January, an ordinary day; if we just quit the fact that it was my birthday too. But, as we haven't talk about it, I was hoping the guys had forgotten it.

I know I should be upset if that ever happens, but I wasn't in the mood of celebrating my birthday I guess. And, despite the fact that I loved recording or making new music, that could makes us stressed enough to forget our bandmate's bday; I'm very comprehensive, so I wouldn't be upset if that really happens.

When I woke up, nobody else was in the room; it was late, as always Calum! 19 years old and you haven't changed yet. The boys might be preparing some cereal or something, specially Mikey... That fatass is always hungry! I laughed and took a shower. I dressed and walked to the kitchen. I've got surprised with what I saw.



Hi guys! So much time since the last chapter and I'm pretty sorry. I was making the chapter too long so I cut it. Maybe the second part I'll post it tonight or tomorrow.
Hope you like it, Noah is really happy about Calum's bday, don't you think so? And what a cutie Mike!
Thanks for reading.

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