The courtyard

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Jason's POV

Kalel followed behind me and we got to the courtyard.

Willis walked inside and locked the door.
I looked up, their was electric wires above us and a weird blue film above.

"be careful, he can see us." said a black headed boy as he walked passed.

I decided to go sit with Finn, Juliet, and the black headed boy who had just walked past me.

"Hey Jason." kalel said, she patted the cement next to her.

"This is Charlie." she pointed to the black headed boy.


"So what's your, power?." I ask.

"Why not I just show you?." He said.

He breathed out, as he did so a stream of water flowed out his mouth.

"So you breathe out water?." I asked confused.

"Yup." he sucked the water back in.

Ewe that's just nasty...

he laughed as if he could read my mind.

I sat down and looked up.

Maybe somehow I could get us out of this place...

As I looked down my eyes met that one girl, the 'wolf'.

"Oh hi." I smiled.

"I noticed you were looking at at the roof."

I nodded.

"Well....Sadly, if you were wanting to somehow get out of this place, well you can't ." she paused.

"Once you get about 2 inches from the film, your powers cannot be used, no one knows how through."

Crap, I should have known...

I sat up agents the small tree behind me.

Dakota doing the same.

Juliet's POV

As I sat with Finn I thought of my family...
I don't know if I will ever get out of this place, but maybe...

At least I've got my friends, and even a few new ones.
I never knew their were others like us...
I almost feel a little better being with my own kind...

I began to sit up when I felt Finns warm hand on my arm.

"Where are you going?." he asks looking up at me.

"I have no idea.." I sat back down and crossed my legs, we were still wearing the same clothes that we had come in.

"Don't worry.... It will be alright." Finn said slightly gripping my hand.

Finns POV

I looked at Juliet.
Poor thing.
She shouldn't be here, she needs to be with her family, I would get her out of here, only if I knew how.

I looked up to see sawyer open the door back into the building.

"Everyone in side." his voice had no emotion at all.

We all sat up and followed him back into the cold dark building.

Jason's POV

I was last to leave the courtyard, they could have let us stay out a little longer?
If your going to leave a bunch of teens in some dark creepy building, at least leave us outside for longer than that!

Kalels POV

After Willis brought everyone to a small room a girl came in and gave everyone a change of clothes,
It was a white dress with a red lion on the shoulder and we each had a number.

She then took us to a showing area.

I hurried, then changed into the new dress.

I came out of the room to see everyone else wearing the same things, except the boys had a grey long-sleeve shirt and black pants.

Jason's POV

We followed Willis into a large room,
It had a large table, the kind you would use for thanksgiving.
The table was covered in a red table cloth, plates, glasses, and lots and LOTS of food.

We all sat down and made our plates.

They only had water to drink, c'mon no coke??
The food was not so bad either, guess that's good.

I finished eating and brushed myself off.

When everyone else had cleared their plates we were directed back into our cells.

AN: alright hope this chapter was okay.
It may have been a little short sorry about that 😬
Anyways be sure to vote and comment! :3
Oh ps I put a picture of "Jason" in the picture this time,
I the ought that would be a good visual for him :)

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