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**Chase POV

Things were getting completely out of hand now that we knew what exactly had happened to Elena.

It was worse than her dying.

She had turned into a shadow herself.

And we haven't even seen Brandon since we got back on the train.

Not since he found out about Elena either.

We were all eating lunch, or trying to, till the Conductor walked in, "I just got word from Brandon that he went to find another Dark Town, so he won't be on the train for a while."

"What's the point of finding a dark town? Not like we can win with a member down." Marcel said.

"We have before." I argued.

He didn't like that, "We were lucky. We won't always be."

Josephine and Logan were quiet, clearly not sure on what to say in this argument.

"Marcel is right. You need...another ranger, someone to take up Elena's place until she can be...brought back." The Conductor said.

Logan nodded, obviously agreeing.

However, Marcel didn't agree, "Elena isn't dead! She's just..."

"Marcel, we know. We don't like it either, she's our cousin, our family. But we need help here, we need to be a full team." Josephine argued.

Logan then said, "She told us to find someone for her, we have to honor it, even if we don't want to."

This conversation was getting us nowhere.

But we all know with Elena like that now, we needed another ranger.

"Is there anyone you guys might know? Are you sure you have no more siblings that could take over?" The Conductor asked.

I shook my head, "Like I said before, three brothers and they'd probably say no."

"Our sister is in third grade, we're not getting her involved." Logan replied.

Josephine looked up, "We're going back to San Antonio, right?"

That caught the Conductor's attention, "Yes, why? Do you know someone there that could happen to take her place?"

"Didn't Elena's friend live there too? She has to know what happened, maybe she can help." She said.

I frowned, "Which friend?"

"There was two..." Marcel said, and stood up.

"But I have someone to see first, so if y'all don't mind." Marcel replied.

**Marcel POV

I hadn't told anyone, except Logan, but I was going to see my girlfriend.

It wasn't really a secret to anyone on what we were up to, we weren't the Justice League after all.

No secret identities here.

So, my parents knew and she knew too.

I was dropped off at the school, even though the school year was kinda messed up since the attack on the school.

The one that actually pushed me to being a ranger.

Even if the school year was messed up, I knew her extra curricular was still ongoing.

Elena was in it when she was in high school, that's how they knew each other. I knew because we were the same year.

I walked into the gym and saw she was with the whole group.

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