Episode 2: A Deal Is A Deal

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7 Days Later

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the lives of Alexander, Reginald, and Luke. They were the best of friends a person could have according to Robert and our daughter Alicia..though their dream was never accomplished, we will always remember them jamming in the garage every hour of every day. Though now is the sad part, speaking of the garage and the house. We are selling it and moving,"

My eyes widened, "What.." I said to my dad, "Yes. We are moving..", "No I can't move..I need to live here..", "Sorry pumpkin..no buts or ifs.." I sighed as Emily looked at me, "Did he ever tell you that he liked you.." she asked, I shook my head no just to make her feel better.

"Well he did, he even wrote a poem for you..but I know you'll do great things.." I looked at her strange, "A poem?" She nodded, "Yes. He placed it in a book last time I saw him.." I ran out of my house where the service was held and into the garage as Bobby followed me. "What are you doing..", "Finding that Poem..duhh.."

I ran to where I threw the notebook and saw it was placed underneath a fixed picture frame. "Uh..was anyone else in here?" I asked Bobby, "Not that I know of.." I took off the frame and looked at the photo as there was a message. "Don't Forget To Tell Your Friends..Reggie?..." I was confused as I opened the songbook and placed it in there as I saw the poem, Emily was talking about.

A Poem For Alicia
Dear Alicia
You are sweet, caring and deep,
But you always keep your promises,
Even though you tend to sleep.
Sweet dreams and lyrics come to you cheap.

It's like when you rises from the gentle bed,
Grabbing your guitar
while having the thoughts of me and the boys in your head,
As you always eat that jam with lots of bread.
And then get ready for the day ahead.
But I'll never forget what it is like to be connected to you
Just like our music and words

Sincerely Luke

I cried a little as I heard something, I turned and saw Bobby ripping out song lyrics from Luke songbook. "What are you doing?!" I yelled at him, "Something I should have done so long ago.." he folded the lyrics and ran out as I followed him.

He got onto his skateboard and rode off as I went back to the garage and grabbed mine and followed behind him. He was trying to throw me off by cutting corners but after a while we just ended up back at the Orpheum. The last place the boys were at and I missed it.

He ran inside as I continued to follow, when I got inside I saw people dancing along with a magician that was singing. "Get back here Bobby!" I yelled as he ran on stage, the magician looked at him as the music cut out. "I brought her..now deal is deal.." What? What does Bobby mean? The magician locked eyes with me, I froze in place as I couldn't move.

The people disappeared as he came up to me, "So I heard you sing..and dance, and even play the guitar...", "I may.." I said as he started speaking as Bobby went behind the stage. "Why do you care about that..", "I just need another performer for my act..and lucky you, Robert brought you in for me..So what do they call you.."

Many hours later I was applying makeup as after words I braided my hair, I heard the band warm up as I saw my costume in the background. It was so 1950's grease themed, the black leathered pants with black off the shoulder top. "And now for the first act of the night..I present you Wild Card Alice.."

I poofed on stage as I was already in the costume. I was handed a microphone and a guitar, "Thank you for that introduction..I am Wild Card Alice..and tonight I'll be performing here everynight..either first or last act. Hope you all have fun..."

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