Episode 3: The Silver Dirty Candy Member

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Years later it seemed I never aged and the people who came to the Caleb show were getting suspicious of me, so Caleb sent me to school and told me to join a group so I could stay low. And just by luck the school had two band auditions, but I eventually leaned into Dirty Candy since the other one would expose my ability to write songs similar to the one who inspired me.

"5..6..7..and 8.." music started blasting in my ears as I started singing along, I wasn't dressed for the part but I knew I belonged. "Make them say Wow," I continued to sing and dance as I was more on beat then the others. As I did I see Willie staring at me. What did he want? I tripped on my own foot as the music cut out and he was gone. "Okay I think I've seen enough..and the new member will be revealed at lunch so be sure to be in the quad."

I stood up as everyone was gone quickly, "So remind me again why you're auditioning for Dirty Candy.." I looked and saw Willie and jumped. "Geez William..you trying to kill me all over again.." he laughed, "No but I don't have your soul like Caleb does..now why again.." I rolled my eyes, "Caleb wants me to be on the down low so I don't get caught as being a half dead and half alive type of person..", "Did you already hide your tattoo from everyone.."

I nodded. "Why do you think I wear long sleeves everyday and not every night." He laughed, "Have at lunch.." I roll my eyes, "Thanks.." I grabbed the same old lunch in a bag and headed towards the tree in the center of the quad and started to eat my lunch. Then I hear a familiar name. "Not now Luke.." Luke? I thought he died. I looked and saw a girl with tons of curls in overalls. "Luke I'm serious..I'm around other people..people might think.."

"think that you are talking to yourself and not a you know what.." I looked and see another girl walk over, "Exactly Flynn..", "So what are the boys talking about.." boys? I must be hearing things. "Well, it depends on who you ask. If it's Reggie, he's only talking about Alex 's rainbow sweater..since it's very colorful.." my eyes widened, I gave him a similar sweater to him on Christmas. Could it be the same people I knew back then? "Attention people..Dirty Candy has found a new member and the silver dirty candy is.."

Oh geez, if I get picked then Luke it's gonna know 100% it's me. "Alice Wilder..." oh glitter mindedness, I stood up and ran in the other direction and hid behind the building nobody knew about. You're alive after all these years..and you didn't bother to say my name so I could see you again after that night.. I raised a brow and looked , Caleb showing me a memory of mine but altered. "Stop it..stop showing me what would have happened..", "You know the saying I suppose.." I nodded, "what happened in the past can't make up for the future..",

"That's right my smart girl.." he lifted my chin, "Though your friends are in for wild card surprise, I have Willie bringing his friends well your ex friends to the club..and your the first act of the night..I would practice if I were you..we don't want another stomach flu..do we?" I shook my head no as he disappeared and then got startled by the same girl who spoke Luke name along with Reggies and Alex's. "Hey you doing okay?" I looked at her and put on a fake smile, "I'm fine..totally fine..", "You don't seem like you are.." I laughed nervously.

"I don't know you..and you don't know me..maybe we can restart at the beginning. I'm Julie Molina.." I raised a brow and heard of the last name before. "I'm Alice Wilder.." I said as she smiled, "Congrats on being the new dirty candy member..", "Thanks.." it was awkward talking to her but I don't know why. "So you sing and dance..that's cool..I actually have a band as well.", "Cool..why are you telling me that?"

I laughed a little, "Well if dirty candy doesn't fit your vibe you're welcome to join my group. We are called Julie and The Phantoms...I mean Holograms." Phantoms..that makes sense if the boys are ghosts but for some odd reason I can't see them but they could probably see me. "Interesting..I've never seen a holographic band before..", "Yeah. It's like one of a kind things you see in life.."

Before I spoke another word a girl yelled my name, "Oh there you are Alice..I was looking for you..we have rehearsals at my place today.." I nodded, "Oh my name is Carrie Wilson..you must know my father is the famous Trevor Wilson.." I just nodded and had no clue who he was. "Of course I know who he is..", "Yeah his famous song crooked teeth was a big seller and on the top hits of the charts.." Julie laughed nervously, "You don't need to brag about it Carrie.." they laughed as the title Crooked Teeth reminded me of Lukes' song in his book. "So do you need a ride to my place..", "That would be great thank you.." I said as Carrie smiled, "Well I'll meet you in front of the school after lunch.."

I nodded as she left, "My offer still stands still just letting you know..here's my address if you change your mind." I took it and looked at it quickly, it was my old home. "Bye Alice..", I looked up, "Oh bye Julie.." I waved goodbye and went to meet Carrie. I saw her as she was by a car waiting for me I'm guessing. She opens the door and starts to speak, "Dad this is the new dirty candy member, Alice Wilder.." he adjusted the review mirror and looked at me in the eyes as the eyes reminded me of Bobby's. "Nice to meet you Alice..", "Nice to meet you too Mr. Wilson.."

We drove off and after what seemed like ages we arrived as Carrie exited the car as he spoke, "Be right in Pumpkin.." she left me as he looked me, "Long time no see..Alicia Wilds..better known as Wild Card Alice..I see my end of the deal worked out as planned."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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