the part where they're in major denial (very very major denial)

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"Miranda, love? Wake up." She opens her eyes and she's staring at beautiful brown eyes.

"Ben?" She frowned. What was he doing here?

"Hi, baby." He pulls her in for a kiss, and she's not ready for it. Miranda gasped, and his tongue entered her mouth, making her moan softly.

She completely surrenders in the kiss, and as he pulls away, Miranda wakes up again.

Her eyes open, still groggy. She remembers her dream. Ben's lips against her felt good, really good.

Miranda groaned and suddenly felt a body behind her. It was warm against her back, naked, and chiseled. Something very familiar poked against her lower back, and she held back a moan.

Still, in a half-awake, half-asleep state, she smiled. She missed the feeling of falling asleep with someone's arms around her. It's been at least 3 years since the flame in her previous marriage burned out, and 4 years since Tucker has cuddled her in bed. She'd never admit it, but she craves physical affection often.

As Miranda stirred, her eyes closing again to get more sleep, she caught sight of smooth brown skin.

Suddenly, she's not so comfortable anymore. Her eyes opened wide, and shock filling her features.

Benjamin Warren was in her bed, naked head to waist. She could feel him poking on her thigh, and she gasped, screaming, "What the hell?"

Miranda jumped up from her bed, she was pretty sure it's still her bed. "Benjamin Warren, wake up!"

Her voice seemed to stir him up, and he sat up reluctantly, still sleepy. She's confused, why the hell was he in her bed? Suddenly, she felt very conscious of her clothes, or lack thereof. Her nightgown was bunched up her thigh, and it was all lace, and it barely covered her cleavage.

"Miranda? Is that... is that you?" Ben squinted at her, then rubbed his eyes. "Am I still dreaming? What are you doing in my apartment?"

She frowned. He looked as clueless as her. What the fuck is happening? She scoffed. "Your apartment? This is my house!"

Ben seemed to lose all sleep as he looked around the room. "What the-- What am I doing here?"

Miranda fixed her nightgown, trying to hide her bare legs, and crossed her arms across her chest. She tried her best not to stare at his bare chest, but she couldn't. He was chiseled, and she could remember how he felt on her back. "That's what I'm asking, Ben Warren."

Miranda's mind was running overtime. There's no logical reason where he ends up in her bed. She wasn't drunk last night, she had a glass of red wine, but she always did that before bed. He wasn't the type to rob her, he was an Anesthesiologist, he was buckets-of-money-rich, and it doesn't make sense if he just went inside her house, and got into bed with her. He wasn't that type. Or was he?

She squinted at him, pointed at him. She was going to speak, maybe scream at him, but a metal on her finger made her stop.

Miranda opened her fist, and stared at the glinting diamond and another one, a silver band on her left ring finger. Her and Tucker's ring was gold, and no way this big of an engagement ring was the one Tucker gave her.

She looked up at Ben, who looked at his left hand too. A matching silver band sat on it.

"Mommy!" A little voice shouted from outside, and Miranda almost forgot about the man in her bed.

"Tuck? Are you okay?" She shouted back as the door of her bedroom opened.

Her son opened the door with the biggest smile, and she smiled too. But behind him was Joey, and a frown filled her features.

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