Our Apologies

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Hello readers,

It is with great grieve that I have to announce that this story has been discontinued. The original author told me that she had fallen out with a friend (behind one of the characters) and had lost contact with another. This means that all inspiration to keep going with this story based on real life friendships has evaporated.

The original author took her real life dream and made it a fanfiction, with the loss of her frienships, the one featuring in this story, she hs decided to not continue this story.

                                                                   is a great friend to me, even if we don't have as much contact as we did years ago, I support he through and through.  The unexpected end of this story is a sad event, but we should think about the positive.

So, please check out her profile and all of her other stories if you speak french, or mine if you don't.

Otherwise, I wish you all a happy day


We'll do it ...Together (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora