My life with One Direction

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So basicly 5 girls really want to meet One Direction. There names are Rachel, Jillian, Nicole, Sarah, and Vannessa. There manager Patrica is dating Paul Higgins, One Directions body guard. Patricia doesn't want the girls to meet the lads because shes afraid they will become even MORE immature than they are now.

Rachel's P.O.V

"Come on you have to do the dare Sarah, its called truth or dare.You picked dare and I dared you to go call Haden and tell him that you are a Garbage can!" Said Nicole "AHHH! guys guess who just followed me back on Twitter!" I said. All of the other 4 girls said exactly at the same time, "WHO IS IT? LIAM?" Said Vannessa. I took out my new IPhone 4, went on twitter, and showed them. "OMG LIAM IS FOLLWING YOU!" said Sarah. All of the other girls phones went off with a vibrating tone, they all looked at there phones.


"OMG HARRY FOLLOWED ME!!!!" I said. The other girls looked at their phones in disappointment.  "Aww guys,dont be sad. " Said Rachel  "We can tweet them to follow you if you want?" I said


"OH MY F**KING GOD NIALL FOLLOWED ME! " I said. Everybody cheered. "I just love Niall Horan so much! he's so  Adorable,Sexy,Hot,ect.


"AHHHHHH!!! LOUIS THE TOMMO TOMLINSON FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "STFU your so loud, I think I went deaf." Rachel said. The other girls agreed.


"you guys are so lucky! you got 1/5 out of One Freaking Direction to follow you!" I said. I started to sob a little when Rachel took my phone and went on Twitter." Zayn did follow you, see, right here." Rachel said. My head popped right out of my hands, snached the phone, and I screamed at the top of my lungs!



Thanks, hope you guys liked it! it's my first page. I'll update later. Its not the best but I'll describe what the girls look like next chapter:)

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