Storm and Adversity left the palace together after a couple of minutes. They went into the town in their most casual clothes, which Lucas had just made for them. (Look at the top for Storm's and use your imagination for Adversity's) As they went into town, they were unrecognizable by the townsfolk, and everyone was talking about the generosity of the prince.

"I heard he took Jordyn's daughter into his palace and offered her a job, which would be better off for her than that god awful job Jordyn had set up for her."

"I saw it with my own eyes. The girl was hit by the doorframe in her own house. Jordyn tried to stop her from leaving and force her into working at that awful royal guard in Mordor. Their king is a tyrant."

"The prince did her a favor, as he has done for everyone in the kingdom. He tries to help us all out with our needs like he did for Storm."

"I hope she has a good life in the castle, and Jordyn doesn't try to drag her back home."

"I've also heard that everyone in the palace is treated equally, and the prince has a great love of his castle staff, but not in the romantic way, like a friendly kind of love."

"If he ends up with Storm, I hope they don't have to deal with any of Jordyn's shit, especially not after what she did after Storm was born while she was married to Aidan. That Oliver guy was a dick, and so was her idea to cheat with him." That last statement caused Storm to freeze. Adversity looked at her, then at the woman who had said it.

"I'm sorry? My friend and I are new to Lyre, who are this Jordyn and Oliver you mentioned and who are this prince and Storm?" He asked.

"You're new? Okay then. Uh, Prince Adversity is the next king and his coronation is coming up very soon and Storm is the new worker he brought into the palace yesterday. Her mother, Jordyn, was married to her father, Aidan, and shortly after she was born, her mother did the worst thing imaginable, and Aidan caught her and the other guy."


It all started almost 16 years ago. Storm was just a newborn and Jordyn was still with her father, Aidan. Jordyn was in the house when she saw a foreign king, the ruler of the kingdom of Mordor (Lord of the Rings reference lol) and his name was Oliver. He was married as well to a lovely woman named Julianna, but he was starting to suspect her of cheating the day after his daughter, Relena, was born. So he was planning to get even with her. So he was looking for someone else, and it just so happened that the first place he stopped was at Jordyn's.

He's kinda cute. She thought. If she was being honest with herself, she wanted to get out of her relationship with Aidan, and this was her way out. She went to the door just before Oliver knocked on it.

"Is anyone home??" He asked before Jordyn opened the door.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?" She asked.

"My name is King Oliver of the kingdom of Mordor. I wanted to get even with my wife because I believe she may be cheating. Would you help me out?" He asked, holding out his hand to her.

"Of course." Jordyn agreed, taking his hand. The two talked for hours over a coffee and lunch date, and Aidan watched the whole thing unfold without either one of them noticing. That was what had sparked him to leave with Storm, but when he learned she was part of the diad, he knew he had to keep her away from Jordyn at all costs.

End flashback

"After that, Jordyn and Aidan had a huge fight, and Jordyn kept seeing Oliver behind his back. Until Aidan was murdered in his own home, and Oliver's queen left him when she found out about Jordyn. He swore to find a way to rule the entire world and he would have Jordyn by his side. Of course, she said as long as it kept her daughter in line she would work with him, but then she also admitted she liked him and even if it didn't keep her in line, she would still follow him to the ends of the earth." The woman explained, and Storm went very pale.

"She... She cheated with a... King...?" She asked, her voice as soft as a whisper.

"I'm afraid so, miss. You're very pale, are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I just... Need a little time alone, pardon me...!" Storm ran off without another word, trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes.

"! WAIT!!" Adversity yelled out as he ran after her, worry flooding his nervous system. When he found her, she was sitting with her back against a wall and tears running down her face. "Storm...?" He walked up to her and knelt in front of her.

"Mother... Cheated on father after I was born...?" Storm asked herself in disbelief as more tears streamed down her face.

"I'm so sorry...!!!" Adversity said as he wiped her tears.

"I knew mother was a bitch but... She wanted to move me into another kingdom and force me into working as part of the royal guard there...?"

"Don't worry... I won't let you go into that... I promise you aren't gonna be part of the kingdom of Mordor, or it's royal guard." Adversity hugged her tightly, and she hugged back in tears. The woman from moments ago had followed them in worry, and was shocked at herself for telling the story to the prince of Lyre. She also noticed that Storm and Adversity seemed to be comfortable around each other already, and it had only been a day since they met. Did the prince find someone who understands him...?

"Thank you, Adversity..."

"You're welcome... Now perk up. I'll get you some pumpkin pie while we're out."

"Pumpkin pie!? Thank you!!"

"Heh. You're welcome. I knew that would cheer you up." They turned to leave only to see the woman there.

"I won't tell a soul that it's you two." She said before walking off, and the two looked at each other before walking back into the streets of Lyre and continuing their date.

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