2. Half Past..

338 53 24

Karan reached to house with kids, make them sleep in their rooms, & come in live area, & look Rudra still there..

Karan ask him a question- don't you want to go..

Rudra- no, I'm going, but actually feel little strange today..

Karan ask to Rudra with little doubt tone- strange! Why!

Rudra- I know both kids since their birth, Trish gets attached quickly with anyone, through his talks not by behavior, but today I look Pooh seats near that lady's leg, & I look Kuja sleeping peacefully on her lady's lap, that makes me little strange, I mean Kuja never gets attached with anyone so quick, & today a new lady in Preesha's house & Kuja sleeps on her lap, that makes me little strange, that's it..

Karan says with assurance tone- sometimes kids love new people, or they love their gesture, so they can be attached in one meets also, otherwise they take their own time..

Rudra- yeah, that's also true..

Karan- well tomorrow you come here late, right..

Rudra- yeah, because going to check your business, & restaurants too, so I'll meet you directly on set..

Karan- ok..

Rudra- Bhai, do you really want that I do a debut in web..

Karan- of course, I really want that, you have good face, just go for it, give screen test at least, then wait for results..

Rudra- ok, then bye, take care..

Karan- just message me, when you reached..

Rudra- Bhai, I stay in same apartment, only our floors are different..

Karan laugh & says- just kidding, go, good night..

Rudra wish him back & left the place..

Karan lock the door & pure scotch in glass, & sip it once..

Karan start to think in a dim light- Tripura! After long time, she back to India, that too at my contract to be fiancee & wife house, world is too small, now I have to beg for my forgiveness, & he closed his eyes..


Tripura getting up from the bed, she look Preesha sleeping peacefully beside her, without disturb Preesha's sleep, she coming out from her grip, & cover her in duvet properly, & take seat on chair, she too start to think deep with upset face- Karan! He have twins, wow! Great! Why Preesha is going to get marry with him, didn't she find another one, already he destroyed me in past, & now going to destroyed Preesha's life, no, he never worthy for any relationship, because I know him, better than anyone, & Tripura rest her head on chair headrest, & she closed her eyes..


Five years ago..

Door bell rings, Tripura open the door, & found a boy on door..

Tripura- yes..

"Umm! Tenant, I got your ad on site, & message you"..

Tripura- ahem! Karan Khanna..

"Yes, right" Karan says with smile..

Tripura look him top to toe & ask him one question- have you drink alcohol..

Karan- no, but I'm smoker..

Tripura- so you have to quit your smoking habit..

Karan- ahem! It takes the time..

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