6. Reveal Truth..

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Evening Tripura is busy with her laptop in her room, her door gets open, & Preesha entered in with excitement..

Preesha- Di, & she round her both hands around Tripura's neck from back & give kiss on her cheek..

Tripura close her eyes with pouting lips, & ask to Preesha with teasing tone- is it tasty!

Preesha stop her kiss & ask to Tripura- what..

Tripura says with playful tone- my sweating cheek!

Preesha quickly leave Tripura, & says- ewww! Di, you are such a spoil sport..

Tripura hold Preesha's hand & pull her, & make her seat on her lap & says- sorry! But you lose your weight a lot..

Preesha pull out Tripura's specs from her eye & keep a side & says- what do I do, I choose a rocking career..

Tripura- hmm! But I really not understand why they showing same expression for three times with "thad, thad" background sound, I'm literally fed up by the one episode, how you carry everything so well for so long, that makes me literally amazed..

Preesha look to Tripura & round her one hand around her neck & ask- are you proud of me..

Tripura close her eyes & says- very, very, very much proud..

Preesha- thank you..

Tripura- now tell me, why can't Mom come with us for dinner..

Preesha- well I always take mom for dinner, or a lunch, but I never take you for anything after I become successful actor, & today I wanna introduce you to everyone, that you are my prettiest sister & my lovely person, & she pulled Tripura's cheeks..

Tripura playfully hit on Preesha's hand & says- don't do it, I hate it, if someone pulled my cheeks..

Preesha- you too not like it, same like Kuja..

Tripura- yes..

Preesha- wow! You seems like her I think..

Tripura smile & says- not like that ok..

Preesha- ok, get ready fast, we are going to hotel palace view, then going for ice cream at my favorite place, then not for long drive but for fresh air..

Tripura- a long plan you already done, wow..

Preesha- now get ready in blue jeans & white tees, no, not white..

Tripura cut her quick & says- don't try to imagine any other thing in your mind, I gonna wear dark blue jeans with light red flowers kurti, now go, you get ready first, & Tripura almost push Preesha from her lap..

Preesha- Di, Di, one more thing..

Tripura- what..

Preesha- one picture with me, for my fan's, I wanna share you with everyone..

Tripura- but I'm not on any social media..

Preesha- ok, then I make a caption, love of my life, yeah first I keep this caption, then I put your & mine picture.. 

Tripura shook head in yes & says- ok, now go..




At Karan's place..

Rudra make wear t-shirt to Trish & Trish ask to Rudra- Rudra dude..

Rudra- don't ask me questions, because I'm not intelligent like you..

Trish- so dumb you are..

Rudra- excuse me, I'm up coming star..

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