Chapter ONE (Pic of Andi&Rose)

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        Isn't it funny what the dark can make you imagine? What the dark can make you hear and see? What the dark can make you feel? Now I'm surrounded by it. My body and mind is trying to make sense of the utter lack of light. It's livable, the temperature perfect, the air breatheable, but too quiet. All you can hear is the panicked gasps from my own breathing. My voice is hoarse, I had yelled and screamed trying to prove I'm not the only one in this inky darkness.

        I should have no concept of time, not here, but I just have a feeling that it has only been about four hours since I woke upin this darkness> Suddenly a low growl fills the area. I jump then let out a barking laugh, I guess I m a little hungry.

        Suprisingly the laugh echoes, showing that somewhere there is a wall for it to bounce off of. I know immediately I need to find this wall. If I do I might get a better sense of the space I am now occupying.

        I get up from my huddled position, my legs feel stiff, I almost expect to hear a crackling as I streatch them out carefully. I wince as I start to walk. Four hours in a crouched position had some pretty painful side effects.

        As I walk I try to remember my life. I know I am a girl, and the last thimg I remeber is...a name, someone screaming a name. I know the name is mine, but I just can't pin it. I know it starts with an "R", and it's kinda like a flower. If only I could remeber my own name! R..Ro.....Rosalind! That's it! My name is Rosalind! 

        With the finding of my name the rest of my life comes flooding back. My name is Rosalind, I have a twin named Alexandra. We have a little brother n3amed Lucas. He was the one that screamed the name.

        Suddenly a drop of liquid falls on my cheek I reach up to find I'm crying. Where is my family? Where is my sister? Where am I? Why was I taken? I keep asking these questions over and over in my mind.

        "Rose?" a voice speaks in my mind. I jump at the sudden contact.

        "Yes??" I ask out loud. A tittering laugh fills my head, I try again, this time trying to push the thought with my mind. 

        "Who are you?" I ask, my head twinging painfully.

        "I am the one, the only, Andi!" The voice, Andi, laughs out. Happiness hits me in waves, I can't help but laugh with this girl.

        "Andi? As in Andrea?" I ask, wondering if she was connected with my life before the Darkness.

        "No silly! As in Alexandra! Come on twin! You would know me anywhere! We are going to get you out!" Andi says, defiant insistence pulsing behind every word in the last sentence.

        "Where is here?" I ask, feeling the love of my twin.

        "Well, we aren't exactly sure, but we will find out! We WILL find you!" Andi says, insisting on this fact wholeheartedly.

        "How's Lucas?" I ask evenly, trying to be devoid of all emotion.

        "Really torn up... He thinks he could have saved you." Andi thinks quietly. With every word my heart twinges painfully. My little brother thinking he could save me. When I was the one that was supposed to be protecting him.

        Suddenly a scream sounds. An agonizing painful scream that makes you hurt for whoever or whatever is making it. I start to follow the sound. I then slip. Landing flat on my ass in a warm liquid, I slowly bring my hand, which was coated, to my face. I take a small sniff and gaga, the metallic smell overpowering. 

        I slowly get up and walk towards where the scream was. Every so often my feet would slip out from under me. Finding no purchase on the slick blood.

        I finally reach a wall. I run my blood soaked hand over the smooth surface slowly, carefully. I finally feel a small knob. Steadying myself, and my resolve, I take a deep breath and slowly turn it. And I almost blind myself.

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