Christmas! {finale~}

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"Shuichi! Shuichi! Shuichi!" Kokichi yelled before jumping on the bed making Shuichi groan. "Kokichi..." He said slowly, opening his eyes. Kokichi was very excited about being able to open the presents today and Shuichi knew he was going to be like internally he was waiting for it, but that didn't mean he wasn't tired.

"It's Christmas!" He called out smiling as Shuichi slowly sat up to hold onto his shoulders. "Calm down a bit Kichi..." He whispered feeling his head go fuzzy for a moment. Kokichi noticed this and moved his head onto his shoulder.

"I'll come downstairs with you, okay?" He said slowly getting up with Kokichi in his arms. Kokichi just clung to him with a big smile on his face. He absolutely loved Christmas and not much else could change that. Shuichi carried him down the stairs trying to keep Kokichi from knocking the both of them over. It was a short walk, but for Shuichi it felt a lot longer.

He loved celebrating holidays with others, but it tended to make him feel more this makes him feel like he isn't able to process things well--or even enjoy the moments. He wanted to be here for today with Kokichi and he loved being able to see the look in his eyes as he opened the presents because this was their first Christmas together and would be the first of many.

"Look at all the gifts!" Kokichi said, rushing out of his arms and over to the tree while Shuichi slowly made his way over to him. "Yeah, so why don't you start opening them baby," He said with his voice still a little rough from sleep. This made Kokichi giggle a bit at how tired his boyfriend was, but he heeded to the words he spoke and started opening the gifts.

He went through the presents opening all of them starting with the ones from friends, DICE, and then from Shuichi. He got a lot of stuffed animals and a couple sketch books as well as a new cape for him. Because the year prior his cape disappeared and he wasn't able to find it. The DICE members all noticed this and decided to come together to get him a new one. Kokichi loved that one most because of all the memories it brought to him.

He used to be with DICE all the time, but as they all got older and Kokichi graduated high school they didn't see each other as much anymore but they still come together sometimes for dinner and talk about the good times they had with each other. It was one of the events that they would never miss, Shuichi even put it in his calendar as a day that he would do extra shifts or go out with Rantaro or Kaede to hangout, because he wanted Kokichi to have the special day with DICE.

Shuichi on the other hand was feeling nervous as Kokichi got through more of the gifts...because he was going to give him the one he has been saving up for all this season and he just didn't feel ready for it. But he knew that this moment was going to be special for the both of them for years to come.

"Shuichi! Now you have to open yours~" He cooed out. Shuichi had some gifts from friends, but most of them were novels or notebooks which was never a bad gift for him. He absolutely loved reading and writing so getting these was a great thing for him.

"Okay," He said with a small laugh. "But before that...I need to give you one final gift" He said with a blush coming to his cheeks. Kokichi looked over at him with curious eyes and slowly moved over to him.

"What do you mean Shu~" He teased making Shuichi feel even more nervous as he pulled out one final box for Kokichi. "K-kokichi Ouma." He said, sounding more confident after that.

"I want you to be by my side until the end of my days, so I wanted to ask this question" He said before pausing and opening the box to reveal a ring. "Will you marry me?" Kokichi felt his face start to have tears pouring down his cheeks.

"Y-yes!" He said moving closer to Shuichi to hug him. Shuichi hugged him back and smiled as he held his new fiancè. Kokichi felt so happy for this moment and let this happiness burst out of him as he kissed Shuichi all over his face.

"I~ love you~ so fucking~ much~" He said in between kisses. Shuichi blushed and soon pulled him into a kiss. Making sure to hold the back of his head. Kokichi moved his arms around his neck and he blushed a bit more as they kissed but the two of them were too happy to care.

Happy we have these gifts for us

These moments we have before us

Making this even more special

For you my little lying devil

I love you with all my heart

Loving you until the end

Because you were always

Better than any friend

-Here is the finale! Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out Daydreams and Vampire Kisses as updates for those are going to start up again!-


Have a Merry Christmas Shumai!Where stories live. Discover now