Japanese Names

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Akemi- 'beauty of dawn'
Akihiko- 'shining prince'
Akihiro- 'bright scholar'
Akira- 'bright and clear dawn'
Amida- 'name of Buddha'
Arakan- 'worthy one' or 'hero'
Arata- 'fresh'
Atsushi- 'cordial' or 'industrious'

Botan- 'peony'

Daichi- 'great first son'
Daisuke- 'great helper'

Eichi- 'wisdom'
Eiko- 'prosperity'
Ena- 'gift from God'
Ezume- 'pure water' or 'pond'

Fudo- god of fire and wisdom
Fujita- 'field'

Genki- 'lively one'
Goro- 'fifth son'

Hachiro- 'eighth son'
Hajime- 'beginning'
Haru- 'born in spring'
Haruo- 'springtime man'
Hikaru- 'light' or 'shining'
Hiroki- 'abundant joy and strength'
Hiroshi- 'generous'
Hiroyuki- 'widespread happiness'
Hisoka- 'reserved'
Hoshi- 'star'

Isao- 'honor'
Izanagi- 'male who invites'

Jiro- 'second male'
Joben- 'enjoys cleanliness'

Kanaye- 'zealous one'
Kano- 'water god'
Kaori- 'strong'
Katashi- 'firmness'
Kazuhiko- 'harmonious prince'
Ken- 'healthy and strong'
Kenji- 'intelligent ruler'
Kentaro- 'big boy'
Kichi- 'good luck'
Kin- 'golden'
Kioshi- 'quiet'
Kishi- 'seashore'
Kisho- 'one who knows his mind'
Kitaro- 'happy boy'
Kiyo- 'purity'
Kiyoshi- 'quiet'
Kono- 'skill' or 'dexterity'
Koshiro- 'ambitious'

Mamoru- 'earth'
Manzo- 'third-born son'
Masaaki- 'correct brightness'
Masahiro- 'govern widely'
Masakazu- 'first son of Masa'
Masanori- 'correct principles'
Masashi- 'correct official'
Masuyo- 'increase world'
Michi- 'pathway'
Michiya- 'wisdom'
Minori- 'village of beautiful fields'
Mitsuo- 'third son'
Monterio- 'big boy'

Naoko- 'honest' or 'straight'
Nen- 'deep hope'
Nikko- 'sunshine'
Nobu- 'faith'
Nobuyuki- 'faithful happiness'
Namiyo- 'wave man'

Osamu- 'ruler'
Ozuru- 'stork'

Raidon- 'thunder god'
Rei- 'tule' or 'law'
Renjiro- 'virtuous'
Ringo- 'peace be with you' or 'apple'
Ronin- 'samurai without a master'
Ryo- 'excellent'
Ryoichi- 'first son of Ryo'
Ryozo- 'third son of Ryo'
Ryuichi- 'first son of Ryo'
Ryuji- 'dragon man'

Saburo- 'third son'
Sadao- 'decisive man'
Satoshi- 'clear-thinking'
Seiichi- 'first son of Sei'
Senichi- 'first son of Sen'
Shamon- 'Buddhist monk'
Shigekazu- 'first son of Shige'
Shin- 'truth'
Shin'ichi- 'faithful first son'
Shinichi- 'first son of Shin'
Shoichi- 'first son of Sho'
Shoma- 'teaching for truth'
Shuichi- 'first son of Shu'
Shuji- 'governing second son'
Shunichi- 'first son of Shun'
Sin'ichi- 'faithful firstborn son'

Taigen- 'great ambition'
Taishiro- 'ambitious boy'
Taiyo- 'sun'
Takahiro- 'abundantly filial'
Takeo- 'warrior'
Takiyo- 'great light'
Tama- 'jewel'
Tani- 'valley'
Taro- 'first-born male'
Tatsuo- 'dragon man'
Tenchi- 'heaven and earth'
Teru- 'true illumination'
Teruma- 'true illumantion'
Tetsip- 'clear-thinking'
Tersuya- 'clear evening'
Tomo- 'a twin'
Torio- 'tail of a bird'
Toshi- 'alert'
Toshi-shita- 'alert son of his father'
Toyo- 'plentiful'
Tozen- 'deserving one'
Tsutomu- 'worker'

Uta- 'song' or 'melody'

Yasashiku- 'gentle' or 'polite'
Yasuo- 'peaceful one'
Yogi- 'one of the yoga practice'
Yoichi- 'masculine first son'
Yori- 'dependence'
Yoshi- 'better' or 'best'
Yoshikazu- 'good and harmonious'
Yoshinori- 'righteous principles'
Yoshito- 'good and lucky man'
Yuji- 'courageous second son'
Yuki- 'happiness' or 'snow'
Yukio- 'God will nourish'
Yuudai- 'great hero'

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