soulmate au skephalo

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Darryl sighed.... He was twenty three and still didn't know how he would contact his soulmates... People all had diffrent ways once both where eighteen some could see the classic red string connecting them or had tattoos that matched their soulmates all sorts of things

He stretched and grabbed his phone remembering it was zaks birthday and he smiled checking if the other was busy before calling him with a smile "geppy!" Darryl laughed "happy birthday! Your eighteen now!" He paused and lit up "do you know anything about your soulmate?!" Zak sighed " words no nothing" he pushed his hair back and grumbled
Darryl sighed "well....your soulmate could be a bit younger then you?... I mean... Mines a few years younger then me at least" zak nodded some and smiled "uhh could we facetime or something darryl? I want to talk to someone..." By the time he finished darryl was already pressing Call on facetime

Zak laughed and picked up giving him a small wave "tha was pretty fast man" "awww geppy i just want to make sure your okay" he gave a small joking pout making zak laugh more
They chatted a while on various topics darryl feeling slightly had been happening a while while talking to zak or when they recorded together... He didint mind since it wasnt a bad feeling his chest just felt warm and fuzzy
After a few hours he smiled and yawned "mhh...we should get to sleep geppy" zak nodded and sighed "alright you still want to stream tommorow?" After darryl said yes they hung up and darryl went to bed

While asleep he dreamed of a beautifull garden witha picnic the sky filled with stars and he felt someone next to him...he also felt ridiculously happy for some reason and he turned to see... Zak zak was there curled up next to him watching the stars...and the peices started to click for darryl zak had just turned eighteen the weird fuzzy feeling in his chest when he thought of him everything.... He gently grabbed zaks hand...and it all melted away
Darryl woke up wide eyed and sighed thinking through things...there where platonic soulmates... He did seem to love zak but he didint want to force him into that kind of relationship

He ignored it most of the day texting zak some in the morning as he made muffins for breakfast ...zak didint mention anything so he didint bother to could have been a fluke.. Just his mind making things up

After a while he plopped into his chair and called zak on teamspeak while logging in... Zak had been streaminf a while and had planned a new troll for him! With the help of his chat of course a donation mentioned zaks birthday and said he should pretend to be darryls soulmate and zak thought it would be a funny idea!

He kept waiting as they played and a donation asked him.about his soulmate...darryl had heard ot too and smiled "yeah geppy! Have you figured anything out?" Zak took a breath readying was slightly shakey from him working up the nerves only helping his act "uh....bad..." He muttered quietly "i think you might be my soulmate" darryl yelped and set up quickly getting closer to his mic "what?!" He went red and smiled brightly

Zak grinned at his camera "yeah...i was just reading then i heard a voice...well your voice" darryl froze and let out a small grumble almost sounding like a growl or snarl " a dreamwalker" he sighed and hung up quickly ending his stream and going to his room shakely curling up and hugging rat

Zak laughed and waited for darryl to come back when his chat told him the other had stopped his stream and he paused "uh....i think ill end stream early too then..." He stopped his stream and got uo texting darryl a quick "are you okay?" He was left on read.... Fuck! He should have known better bads waited years to find out about his soulmate of course he would have gotten his hopes up! Zak paced around a bit and called Vincent "uh...i think i messed up" he told the tired french man
Vincent set up and mumbled his accent thicker since zak had just woke him "i trolled darry.....again....." He trailed off "what happened" the younger asked "i told him he was my soulmate" vincent froze "you did what?! Zak he's twenty three he's had to wait years!" "I know i know! He just left the stream and didnt respond to my text!" Zak set down with a small whine

"Give him a day or two and message him again...but you really messed up hw may not want to talk" he froze at the thought "like...for a week or two or...." Vincent hummed a confirmation and zak started to panic "just...give him a day or two

And zak did he waited a day...then two and he was staring at his phone wondering if he should text the other...he hadnt posted or streamed while he waited deciding this was more important

Meanwhile the first day darryl was a mess his dreams not helping at he only slept a few hours on the second night... Vincent had texte him to make sure he was okay and he had replied saying he would be fine...but he felt awfull....he had gotten so excited that zak knew ..he didnt think the other would joke about soulmates of all things!

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